Accessing the Harmony SaaS Administrator Portal

To access the Harmony SaaS Administrator Portal:

  1. Sign in to Check Point Infinity Portal.

  2. Click the Menu icon in the top left corner.

  3. In the Harmony section, click SaaS.

  4. If you are accessing the portal for the first time, do one of these:

    • If you already have a Check Point contract, click Already have a contract to attach the contract to the product. For more information, see Associated Accounts in the Infinity Portal Administration Guide.

    • If you want to trial the product, click Request a trial.

      Check Point sends a form to the requested user's email address within the next 24 hours.

      • Fill in the form sent by Check Point.

        A Check Point representative processes your request and you can view the trial request status.

        With in the next 24 hours, a Check Point representative schedules a meeting to show a demo of the product and helps in connecting your SaaS applications with Harmony SaaS.

The Harmony SaaS Dashboard page appears.