Web Activity

The Web Activity page shows:

To view the Web Activity page, access the Harmony SASE Administrator Portal and click Monitor & Logs > Web Activity.


Insights shows the number of blocked web events, top web categories blocked, and top number of events blocked in the last 1 day, 7 days, and 30 days.

Web Events Blocked

The Web Events Blocked widget shows the total number of URLs blocked in the selected time frame.

Top Web Categories

The Top Web Categories widget shows the top five web categories blocked in the selected time frame.

Events Per User

The Events per User widget shows the top five users with the highest number of violations for web categories in the selected time frame.

All Web Activities

All Web Activities shows a log of all the web traffic.




Date and time of the activity.


Member name.


Accessed URL.


Action taken by Harmony SASE:

  • Deny - Member is denied access to the URL.

  • Warn - Member is warned before accessing URL.

Web category

Category name configured in the Web Filter Rules.

Web Rule Name

Web Rule name configured in the Web Filter Rules.

Source IP

IP address of the source.

Destination IP

IP address of the destination.

To select the columns required in the table, click the icon and select the columns.

To export the data, click the icon. The system downloads an archive file with the data in JSON and CSV file format.

Note - You can export data of only 1000 activities at a time.