Device Inventory

The Device Inventory page provides inventory details about your devices.

To view the Devices page, access Harmony SASE and click Devices > Device Inventory.

OS Distribution

The OS Distribution widget shows the distribution of operating systems across devices by percentage.

Posture Status

The Posture Status widget shows the posture status of your devices by percentage. For more information, see Manage DPC.

Device Inventory Details



Member Name

User of the device.

Device Name

Name of the device.

OS Version

Operating System and version of the device.

Agent Version

Agent version installed on the device.


The last known device status.

  • Online - Agent is running and the user is signed in but not connected to the VPN.

  • Offline - Device is turned off or not connected to the internet.

  • Connected - Agent is connected to the VPN.

User Authenticated

User authentication status.

  • Authenticated - User has signed in to the agent with valid credentials.

  • Not Authenticated - User authentication has expired or invalid credentials entered.

Last Login

Date and time of the last login.

Posture Status

Device Posture Check (DPC) status.

  • Healthy - Device is compliant with the DPC policy.

  • Not Healthy - Device is not compliant with the DPC policy.

  • No Status - User has not signed in since the DPC policy assignment or no DPC policy assigned to the device.

Security Warning

Reason for the failed DPC. For example, Missing Anti-Virus software on the device.

Last Posture Check

Date and time when the posture check was last done.

Posture Policy

DPC policy applied to the device.

Device Serial / ID

Unique identifier of the device. For macOS, it is the serial number generated by macOS. For other operating systems, it is generated by Harmony SASE.

Device Type

Type of the device.

  • Desktop

  • Mobile

Logging Out the Device

  1. For the device you want to log out, scroll to the end of the row and click .

  2. Go to Actions and click Logout Device.

Removing Device

  1. For the device you want to remove, scroll to the end of the row and click .

  2. Go to Actions and click Remove Device.