
The Events page shows logs for:

  • Important and generic events for the agent.

  • IoT assets events.

To access the Events page, go to IoTEvents.

Note - You can also view the IoT events information in IoT Protect > Monitor > IoT Events.

Agent Important Events

Shows the logged important events for the agents.

To view the event statistics, click in the Statistics bar on the left.

For card view, click in the Card bar on the right.

Event Parameter



Time of the event.

Event Severity

Severity of the event:

  • Critical

  • Medium

  • Info

Event Priority

Priority to address the event:

  • Urgent

  • High

  • Medium

  • Low

Event Topic

Topic of the event.

Event Name

Name of the event.

Suggested Remediation if Applicable

Suggested solution to fix the issue (If applicable).

Agent UUID

Unique UID of the agent.

To export the Agents details to an Excel sheet:

  1. Click Options > Export > Export to Excel.

  2. In the Export to Excel window, select the columns you want to export.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Exported Completed Successfully pop-up, click Download.

    The logs Excel sheet is downloaded with the name format: Logs_Date_Time.xls (For example, Logs_Aug_5__2022_11_58_50_AM.xls)

Note - To obscure any user specific information in the events table, click the Hide Identities option.


IoT Network Protection

Shows the logged events for all onboarded IoT assets.

To view the event statistics, click in the Statistics bar on the left.

For card view, click in the Card bar on the right.

Event Parameter



Time of the event.


Software blade which triggered the logs:

  • Firewall

  • IoT
  • IoT URL Filtering

  • Application Control IoT


Action enforced on the event:

  • Drop - Block.

  • Accept - Allow.


  • Connection - Event generated in an individual connection.

  • Session - Event generated in a session.

Machine Name

Name of the asset.


IP address of the IoT asset.


Resource accessed by the asset.


IP address of the destination.

Destination Machine Name

Name of the destination asset.


Service that generated the event.


Rule number from the relevant policy package and Rulebase (Examples - 7.1, 11.5).

Rule Name

Name of the rule (Examples - Internet IoT all, IoT DNS to internal).


Shows the logged events for all agents.

To view the event statistics, click in the Statistics bar on the left.

For card view, click in the Card bar on the right.

Event Parameter



Time of the event.

Agent UUID

Unique UID of the agent.

Event Priority

Priority to address the event:

  • Urgent

  • High

  • Medium

  • Low

Event Severity

Severity of the event:

  • Critical

  • Medium

  • Info

Rule Name

Name of the rule (Examples - Internet IoT all, IoT DNS to internal).

Security Action

Action enforced on the event:

  • Drop - Block.

  • Accept - Allow.

Source IP

IP address of the source agent.

Source Port

Port number of the source.

Destination IP

IP address of the destination agent.

Destination Port

Port number of the destination.

Event Name

Name of the event.

To export the Agents details to an Excel sheet:

  1. Click Options > Export > Export to Excel.

  2. In the Export to Excel window, select the columns you want to export.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Exported Completed Successfully pop-up, click Download.

    The logs Excel sheet is downloaded with the name format: Logs_Date_Time.xls (For example, Logs_Aug_5__2022_11_58_50_AM.xls)

Note - To obscure any user specific information in the events table, click the Hide Identities option.