Configuring the Check Point Harmony Mobile Dashboard Integration Settings

Assign the app to the selected groups of users or devices.

Note - For easy reference during configuration, you can record your settings in the special table, see Configuring UEM to Deploy the Harmony Mobile Protect app


You need these details from your MobileIron Cloud Deployment:

Note - Before you start, delete any existing devices in the Harmony Mobile Dashboard.

Configuring Integration Settings

After you complete the necessary steps, the Integrations pane shows the detailed status of the settings.


  1. From the Infinity Portal, go to Settings > Integrations.

    The Integrations page opens.

  2. Click Add.> UEMs

    The Integration Wizard opens. Select MobileIron Cloud from the list and click Next.

  1. Configure the settings for your MobileIron Cloud Deployment.

    For information about the settings, see Preparing UEM Platform for Integration.

    • Server Setup

      Configure your UEM to integrate with the created MobileIron Cloud devices:

      1. In Server Setup section, enter this information:

      2. Click Verify, and when the green indicator appears clickNext.

    • Synchronization Configuration

      Configure the devices and groups that you synchronize with Harmony Mobile Dashboard.

      1. In the Group(s) field:

        1. Click on the blank space and a drop down with list of the available groups opens.

        2. Select the group(s) you need for integration with MobileIron Cloud.

      2. In the Android Enterprise Groups field:

        Select the groups for two deployed applications as part of the MobileIron Cloud Android Enterprise deployment. See Using Android Enterprise with Harmony Mobile

      3. In the Advanced section:

        Import Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and set the synchronization intervals.

        You can limit the import of the PII devices (users) to Harmony Mobile.

      4. Click Verify and when the green indicator appears click Next.

        Note - If all entries are OFF, the placeholder information set for the email address is placed in the Device Owner’s Email, in form of "UEMDevice UDID@vendor.UEM".




        Device sync interval

        Interval to connect with UEM to sync devices.

        10-1440 minutes, in 10 minute intervals.

        Device deletion threshold

        Devices for deletion after UEM device sync (in %).

        100% for no threshold.

        Deletion delay interval

        Delay device deletion after sync – device is not deleted if it is re-synchronized from UEM during the threshold interval.

        0-48 hours.

        App sync interval

        Interval to connect with UEM to sync applications.

        10-1440 minutes, in 10 minute intervals.

    • Tagging Configuration

      Specify the information sent to MobileIron Cloud and the risk level of the device.


      1. In Tagging Section:

        1. Set Tag device status to ON.

          1. Create Mobile Device Extension Attribute and name it Status. See Connecting the Harmony Mobile Protect app to your Device.

          2. Update each mobile device MobileIron Cloud with one of these Status values (See Creating a Device Provisioning Group):




            During the first synchronization of a device in Harmony Mobile Dashboard.


            After the user installs and registers to Harmony Mobile.


            If the device did not make contact with Harmony Mobile for X number of days (that the Harmony Mobile Admin configured).

      2. Set Tag device risk to ON.

        1. Create Mobile Device Extension Attribute and name it risk_level. See Configuring the Check Point Harmony Mobile Dashboard Integration Settings.

        2. Update each mobile device in MobileIron Cloud with one of these risk_level values:

          • None

          • Low

          • Medium

          • High

    • Deployment

      Specify the deployment status of a device.

      Note - This section is optional, because MobileIron Cloud manages the deployment automatically.


  2. View the Integration Status.

    In the Infinity Portal, go to Settings > Integrations. Click on the icon in the Mobileiron Cloud card.

    The pop-up pane shows this information:

    • Server – The latest server configuration status.

    • Synchronization – The synchronized groups and the sync status.

    • App Sync – The last type applications were fetched from the UEM (For iOS deployments only).

    • Tagging – Tagging Configuration and Tagging Status.

    • Deployment – Deployment Configuration and Deployment Status.

  3. Click Edit in each section to edit the settings.