Users and Devices

The Uses and Devices page shows all connected users.

Users and Devices View

With the Users and Devices view, in the upper part of this page, you can manage existing users and invite new users.

Available options for user management:

Item Description

Download Agent / Add

Adding Users manually (Add) or with an Identity Provider (Download Agent).

Cloud Locations

Select a number of Managing User Locations limited to the license entitlement.

Delete User

Deleting Users

Export to CSV

Send all users data to a CSV file. You can see this information with the All Trusted Devices View.


For users, search by User or Email.

For devices, search by Name or Status.


Filter by Device status.

The table shows the current status of your users:

Parameter Description


User status in Harmony Connect.

Possible values:

  • Connected - The user is connected.

  • Disconnected - The user is disconnected.

  • Invite Sent - The invite is sent to the user.

  • Inside Office - The user is connected to the office LAN.

  • Exited - The user exits the agent.

  • End-user stopped the service - The user uninstalls the agent or closes the process.

  • Pending Location - The user is added before the creation of roaming location.

In addition to the status, a warning icon may appear for some of the users. Check Point recommends to review the warning and the suggestions for a resolution. An example of a warning: Could not invite the user to secure Application Access because the user email address already associates with another Infinity Portal account.

Full Name

User full name.


User email address to which the invitation is sent.

Trusted Devices

For users with secure Internet Access:
Number of connected devices + number of pending invitations.

Trusted Apps

For users with secure Application-Level accessClosed Clientless access to specific corporate applications, such as web, SSH, RDP, tunnel, and database applications.:
Number of applications that the user has permission to access. The application names appear in the lower part of the page under Policies.

Last Seen

Date and time of the last connection session.

In the lower part of the page, you can manage trusted devices and policies. For more information, see Managing Devices.

All Trusted Devices View

This view shows all devices that belong to all users. For more information, see All Trusted Devices View.