Receiving Usage Reports
Check Point provides a Monthly Usage Report by email, which includes this information about Metered Licenses usage:
The period of the usage report.
Certificate Key (CK)
The license's ID as it appears in the User Center (see Obtaining a Metered License from the User Center). Each CK
Certificate Keys (CKs) of Central Licenses in the License Pool. represents a different license. Each license can be used on multiple CloudGuard Security Gateways.
Tenant Name
The tenant used to register the Metered License (see Configuring Metered Licenses). Each tenant name represents a different Infinity Portal Account.
Blades Package
The Software Blades package as given in the license from User Center, either NGFW, NGTP or NGTX.
The rate as given in the license from User Center, either hourly or monthly.
Each row in the report is an aggregation of all the data collected for each license, in the given period, and for Security Gateways with the same amount of Cores.
Example of a monthly usage report:
Period |
CK |
Tenant Name |
Blades Package |
Rate |
Cores |
Instance |
Cores X Time |
<Month>-<Year> |
11112222AAAA |
Customer1 |
Hourly cores |
4 |
3 |
344 |
<Month>-<Year> |
11112222AAYY |
Customer1 |
Hourly cores |
4 |
3 |
120 |
<Month>-<Year> |
Customer2 |
Hourly cores |
4 |
2 |
16 |
<Month>-<Year> |
Customer2 |
Hourly cores |
2 |
8 |
16 |
<Month>-<Year> |
9999AAAA1111 |
Customer3 |
Monthly cores |
4 |
2 |
8 |
Explanation of the Monthly Usage Report table above:
Customer1 has two rows, for specific <month>-<year> period values that show:
Three active Security Gateway
Dedicated Check Point server that runs Check Point software to inspect traffic and enforce Security Policies for connected network resources. instances, each with 4 cores that use the Hourly cores rate and NGFW blades package whose license CK is 11112222AAAA. The total running hours of all Security Gateways equal to 344 Hourly cores.
Three active Security Gateway instances, each with 4 cores that use the Hourly cores rate and NGTX blades package whose license CK is 11112222AAYY. The total running hours of all Security Gateways equal to 120 Hourly cores
Customer2 has two rows, for specific <month>-<year> period values that show:
Two active Security Gateway instances, each with 4 cores that uses the Hourly cores rate and NGTP blades package whose license CK is BBBBCCCC333. The total running hours of all Security Gateways equal to 16 Hourly cores.
Eight active Security Gateway instances, each with 2 cores that uses the Hourly cores rate and NGTP blades package whose license CK is BBBBCCCC333. The total running hours of all Security Gateways equal to 16 Hourly cores.
Customer3, with CK 9999AAAA1111, has a single row for specific <month>-<year> period values, that shows: two active Security Gateway instances, each with 4 cores that uses the Monthly rate and NGTX blades package. The total running Monthly cores equal to 8 Monthly cores.