Automatic Hotfix Deployment

Automatic Hotfix Deployment for CloudGuard autoscaling solutions automatically deploys a preconfigured CPUSE Hotfix or Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator (JHF) when an instance scales out.

This feature allows you to do all the necessary configuration on the Management or Multi-Domain Management Server. You do not have to access each Security Gateway instance manually.


  • CME is installed on the Management or Multi-Domain Management Server.

  • Autoprovision is enabled and configured for the autoscaling solution for which Automatic Hotfix Deployment is required.

  • CDT (Central Deployment Tool), version 1.7 or higher installed on the Security Management or Multi-Domain Security Management Server.

  • CPUSE is updated to the latest version on the Management or Multi-Domain Management Server.

  • The CPUSE package to be installed on new scaled out instances is available on the Management or Multi-Domain Management Server.

Configuring the Automatic Hotfix Deployment

Disabling Automatic Hotfix Deployment

You can disable Automatic Hotfix Deployment for scale out instances you plan to connect in the future.

Viewing Configuration Parameters

Viewing Package Deployment Status


  • The package is only installed on new instances.

    To install the package on all existing instances, do these steps:

    1. Remove instances that do not contain the package.

    2. Scale out new instances.

    3. Wait for the provisioning to finish.

  • Supported cloud platforms: Azure, AWS, GCP.

  • Central Deployment Tool:

    • Because Automatic Hotfix Deployment relies on CDT, see CDT Limitations in sk111158.

    • CDT version 1.9 is not compatible with Auto-HF in CME.

    • When another CDT operation is in progress, you cannot use the Display Hotfix deployment status option.

      If you do, it shows an error message.

      The solution is to wait until the CDT operation is finished, and then try the Display Hotfix deployment status again.

  • When scaling out several instances, the package is not installed in parallel.

  • Enabling Automatic Hotfix Deployment significantly increase the time until a scaled-out instance finishes provisioning.

    This is due to the time it takes for a Hotfix or Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator to be installed.

  • Only Hotfixes and Jumbo Hotfixes are supported.

    Minor and Major upgrades are not supported.

  • Automatic HF deployment does not support name-prefix.