Deploying a Security Management Server in Azure
To deploy a Security Management Server in Azure:
From the Azure Marketplace, deploy this solution to create a Check Point Security Management Server
Dedicated Check Point server that runs Check Point software to manage the objects and policies in a Check Point environment within a single management Domain. Synonym: Single-Domain Security Management Server.:
Select the Check Point Security Management software plan.
Important - Must be Check Point R81.10 and higher.
Use these parameters:
Server name - The name of the Security Management Server
Check Point Single-Domain Security Management Server or a Multi-Domain Security Management Server..
Credentials - The SSH public key, or the SSH password to manage the server.
Subscription - The Azure subscription, where you deploy the servers.
Resource Group - The name of the Resource Group, where you deploy the server.
Location - The Azure location, where you deploy the server.
Network setting - A pre-existing Virtual Network
Environment of logically connected Virtual Machines. and its subnets, or a name of a new Virtual Network and subnets, where you deploy the server.
Virtual Machine size - The size of the Security Management Server Virtual Machine.
Storage setting - The name of an existing or new storage account that the Security Management Server uses.
Allowed GUI clients - IP addresses (in CIDR notation) of the allowed SmartConsole
Check Point GUI application used to manage a Check Point environment - configure Security Policies, configure devices, monitor products and events, install updates, and so on., Gaia Portal
Web interface for the Check Point Gaia operating system. and SSH clients.
This template deploys the Management Server in the selected subnet.
When the management instance starts, it automatically executes its own Gaia
Check Point security operating system that combines the strengths of both SecurePlatform and IPSO operating systems. First Time Configuration Wizard.
This can take up to 30 minutes.
Do the instructions in Step 3: Configure the Check Point Security Management Server.