Anti-Malware Exceptions

Anti-Malware Allow-List

Administrators can exclude files from malware inspection so that the Anti-Malware engine always returns a clean verdict for them. You can use the following criteria to create an Anti-Malware Allow-List rule:

  • Sender Email

  • Sender Domain

  • File MD5/Macro MD5

  • File type

You can add Anti-Malware Allow-List rule from any of these:

Note - Macro MD5 Allow-List supports these file formats: DOC, DOCM, DOCX, DOTM, DOTX, POT, POTM, POTX, PPA, PPAM, PPS, PPSM, PPSX, PPT, PPTM, PPTX, XLAM, XLS, XLSB, XLSM, XLSX, XLTM, and XLTX.

Anti-Malware Block-List

Administrators can create Anti-Malware Block-List to mark any file type as malware. By adding a Block-List rule for a file type, the Anti-Malware engine automatically marks all matching file types as containing malware.

Note - For file types (PDF, EML, HTML) that support link identification, you can choose to block these files based on whether they contain links or not.

You can add Anti-Malware Block-List rule from any of these:

Password-Protected Attachments Allow-List

When a Password-Protected Attachment allow-list is detected for an email address or domain, the system ignores the Password-Protected Attachments workflow configured in the policy and delivers the attachment to the end-user.

  • Password detected: The system scans the attachments for malware and gives the verdict.

  • Password not detected: The system gives the verdict as allow-listed (clean) and delivers the attachment to the user.

To create a Password-Protected Attachments Allow-List:

  1. Click Security Settings > Exceptions > Anti-Malware.

  2. In the drop-down from the top of the page, select the exception type as Password-Protected Attachments.

  3. Click Create Allow-List.

  4. In the Email Address / Domain field, enter the email addresses or domains.

    If you enter multiple email addresses or domains, the system creates separate allow-list for each email address / domain.

  5. If required, enter a comment for the Allow-List rule.

  6. Click OK.