Running the Scan Engine

After you configure the Image Assurance policy and install the Scan Engine, you can run it on your CI/CD pipeline.

The Scan Engine scans container images for security risks and vulnerabilities.


shiftleft [-t timeout] image-scan [OPTIONS] -e <ENVIRONMENT_ID> -i <IMAGE_PATH>

Image-Scan Arguments
Argument Description

-e, --environment <string>

CloudGuard ShiftLeftClosed The ShiftLeft tool scans source code, containers and serverless functions, looking for vulnerabilities including those associated with the Log4j tool. This tool alerts the security and DevOps teams if any vulnerabilities are detected in the pre-build phase, ensuring that vulnerable code is not deployed. environment ID

-h, --help

Show help

-i, --image <string>

Path to docker image TAR file

-j, --json

JSONClosed JavaScript Object Notation. A lightweight data interchange format. output

-o, --output <string>

Full CLI output to the provided file path

-t, --timeout <int>

Scan timeout in seconds (default: 3600)

Note: Make sure to use the -t flag before the image-scan expression.

-v, --version

Show version

Exit Codes

The exit code of the command is non-zero in case of a policy violation or an error.

Exit Code Description

Image scan succeeded, empty assessment /

Assessment passed, no rules failed. Image is compliant.

1 Network error
3 Authentication error
4 Missing arguments
5 Internal error

Image scan succeeded, assessment is not empty /

Assessment failed at least on one rule. Image is not compliant.

11 Error in getting the assessment result. Try again or contact support.
99 Insufficient memory for image scanning


Insufficient disk space for image scanning

253 Scan timeout