Scan Engine Installation

The Scan Engine installation depends on your operating system and exists in three options:

  • Windows

  • Linux

  • macOS

You can use one of these methods to install the Scan Engine:

Downloading the binary file

Using a Docker image

Using a Docker image of ShiftLeft provides an easy and flexible way to run scans in containerized environments. The Docker image is available on DockerHub at checkpoint/shiftleft.

To use the ShiftLeft image:

  1. Run the command:

    docker run -e CHKP_CLOUDGUARD_ID=<API_KEY> -e CHKP_CLOUDGUARD_SECRET=<API_SECRET> -e SHIFTLEFT_REGION=<REGION> -v <PATH_TO_IMAGE>:/tmp/images/image.tar checkpoint/shiftleft:latest_v2 shiftleft image-scan -e <ENVIRONMENT_ID> -i /tmp/images/image.tar

  2. Replace <API_KEY>, <API_SECRET>, <REGION>, <ENVIRONMENT_ID>, and <PATH_TO_IMAGE> with your CloudGuard API key, secret, region, your environment ID, and the local path to your image directory, respectively.

    Make sure to use the latest_v2 tag to get the most recent features and improvements.

Scan Engine Update

Each time the Scan Engine runs, it automatically checks for updates and installs the latest version available.