Getting Started with Admission Control Policy

Container Admission Control is a CloudGuard-Managed ruleset that contains the best practice rules for KubernetesClosed Kubernetes, often abbreviated as “K8s”, orchestrates containerized applications to run on a cluster of hosts. Admission Control. You can find this ruleset if you navigate to Workload Protection > Admission Control Rulesets and filter on the CloudGuard-Managed Type.

The default Admission Control policy uses this ruleset. When you onboard a new cluster to CloudGuard (or enable the Admission Control feature) and associate it with an Organizational Unit, the cluster obtains the Admission Control policy configured for this Organizational Unit. If no such policy exists, a new policy is created to associate the new cluster with the default ruleset.

To provide the security solution, CloudGuard agents sometimes need elevated permissions that must be restricted for most workloads. To address this requirement, the default policy has preconfigured exclusions to streamline the CloudGuard solution.

Configuring Admission Control in CloudGuard

Follow these steps to configure a GSL policy on the cluster:

  1. Creating an Admission Control Ruleset.

  2. Adding rules to the Ruleset.

  3. Creating an Admission Control Policy that binds the Ruleset to the cluster.

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