Reports show summaries, trends, and insights based on data that CloudGuard collects. Cloud administrators and corporate executives can use reports to understand their cloud environments and prioritize top issues. These are the ways to generate reports:
Schedule CloudGuard to send reports automatically as PDF email attachments.
Send reports manually from CloudGuard as PDF email attachments.
Download reports from CloudGuard with your web browser.

From the navigation toolbar, click Reports.
In the upper right, click + Create.
A new window opens.
In the Name field, enter a unique name for the report.
Select one report template:
Compliance Executive Report
Shows high-level compliance findings, trends, and summarized data .
Compliance Detailed Report - Detailed per account
Shows detailed compliance findings, trends, and summarized data per account.
Compliance Detailed Report - Detailed per ruleset
Shows detailed compliance findings, trends, and summarized data per ruleset.
Intelligence (CDR) Executive Report
Shows high-level Intelligence findings, trends, and summarized data.
Intelligence (CDR) Detailed Report - Detailed per account
Shows detailed Intelligence findings, trends, and summarized data per account.
In the Scope section, select kinds of data to send in the report. The Scope section is different for different reports. If you do not select kinds of data, the report includes all relevant data.
Example- For the Intelligence (CDR) Executive Report, you can specify which CDR Log Types to send. -
Select a Time Range for which to send reports. The Time Range includes the current Day/Week/Month.
Example - If today is Thursday and the Time Range is 3 Days, the report includes data for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.-
Select a unit:
Select a number.
Select filters for the scope of the report. If you do not select a filter for a field, the report includes all relevant information for that field.
Select one or more Severity levels:
Select one or more Cloud Providers.
Select one or more Organizational Units.
Select one or more Environments.
Note - If the report template is Detailed per account, you cannot leave this field blank.
Select one or more Rulesets.
Note - If the report template is Detailed per ruleset, you cannot leave this field blank.
Enter one or more email addresses to which to send the report. After you enter an email address, press one of these: Enter, Spacebar, Comma (,).
Optional - To schedule CloudGuard to send the report automatically:
Select Schedule Settings.
Select a frequency, day, and time to send the report.
Note - If you do not schedule CloudGuard to send the report automatically, CloudGuard generates the report only when you download the report or send the report manually. See Downloading a report and Sending a report manually.
Click Save.

From the navigation toolbar, click Reports.
Select one report.
In the upper right, click Edit.
A new window opens.
Edit the report.
Click Save.

From the navigation toolbar, click Reports.
Select one or more reports.
In the upper right, click Run.
CloudGuard emails the report to the specified email addresses. It can take up to a few minutes for the report to arrive.

From the navigation toolbar, click Reports.
Select one report.
In the upper right, click Download.
Your web browser downloads the report.

After you delete a report, the report does not appear in the table and CloudGuard does not send it in the future. Past reports continue to be visible as attachments in emails that CloudGuard sent.
From the navigation toolbar, click Reports.
A new window opens.
Select one or more reports.
Click Delete.
A new window opens to ask if you are sure that you want to delete the selected report(s).
Click Delete.