Intelligence Queries

Build Queries in Intelligence to hunt out specific threats from log files.


Intelligence uses sophisticated queries to filter the information from cloud logs, to search for information or events of interest. These queries are built with the Governance Specification Language (GSL), equivalent to queries for Running an Assessment. You can use these queries 'out-of-the-box' to quickly visualize traffic on your cloud environments. For example,

  • Inbound traffic - Shows all inbound traffic

  • Rejected traffic - Shows all rejected traffic to or from your VPC

  • Malicious accepted traffic - Shows traffic that was accepted by your network, that originated from malicious IP addresses (as determined by threat intelligence sources)

In addition, you can configure custom queries, to filter for specific information not covered by built-in queries.

Build Custom Queries

To create custom queries for Intelligence Traffic and Activity Explorer views, use a graphic query builder, or enter the query directly as text.

The examples below illustrate how to create queries with these methods.