Configure CloudGuard SSO with OneLogin

OneLogin Configuration

  1. On OneLogin, navigate to Apps, and select Add App.

  2. Search for Dome9 (CloudGuard).

  3. Click the app icon.

  4. Enter a Display Name and click Save.

  5. In the configuration page, enter a Dome9 (CloudGuard) Client ID and click Save.

CloudGuard Configuration

  1. Log in to the CloudGuard portal, with a super user account.

  2. Navigate to the Authentication page in the Settings.

  3. In the SSO section, click Enabled.

  4. Click Edit to open the SSO Configuration window.

  5. Enter details for the SSOClosed Single Sign-On (SSO) - A session/user authentication process that permits a user to enter one name and password in order to access multiple applications. provider as follows:

  6. In the Account ID, enter the CloudGuard Client ID, created above in OneLogin (step 5).

  7. Click Save.

To enable Just-In-Time provisioning, see the Configure SSO JIT Provisioning on OneLogin.