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Example 4 - Update CPUSE, Send, Import, and Verify the Package

This example Deployment Plan performs these actions on all applicable Security Gateways:

  1. Sends the package from the Management Server (from /home/admin/Check_Point_R80_10_JUMBO_HF_Bundle_T97_FULL.tgz) to the remote Security Gateway and imports it with CPUSE.
  2. Verifies the package with CPUSE on the remote Security Gateway to make sure it can be installed.

Example XML file for this Deployment Plan:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



<name value="Example deployment plan - update CPUSE, send, import, and verify the package" />

<description value="Update CPUSE, import and verify the package on the remote machines" />

<update_cpuse value="true" />



<!-- Use the CDT import and verify actions -->

<import_package path="/home/admin/Check_Point_R80_10_JUMBO_HF_Bundle_T97_FULL.tgz" />

<verify_package path="/home/admin/Check_Point_R80_10_JUMBO_HF_Bundle_T97_FULL.tgz" />
