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Example 3 - Take Gaia Snapshot and Install a Package

This example Deployment Plan performs these actions on all applicable Security Gateways:

  1. Takes the Gaia snapshot on the remote Security Gateway.
  2. Downloads the CPUSE package of the R80.10 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator from the Check Point Cloud on the remote Security Gateway.

    The package download action on the remote Security Gateway is not marked as critical.

  3. If the package download on the remote Security Gateway fails, the CDT sends the package from the Management Server to the remote Security Gateway and imports it with CPUSE.

    If the package download on the remote Security Gateway succeeds, the CDT does not send the package from the Management Server to the remote Security Gateway.

  4. Installs the package on the remote Security Gateway.

Example XML file for this Deployment Plan:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



<name value="Example deployment plan - take Gaia snapshot and install a package" />

<description value="Create Gaia snapshot and then install HF on the remote machines" />

<update_cpuse value="true" />


<!-- Create a snaphot on remote machine -->

<create_snapshot name="backup" description="R80.10 backup snapshot before Jumbo Hotfix installation" />

<!-- Install Jumbo Hotfix for R80.10 -

If the download from the CP Cloud fails,

use the CDT import and install actions -->


<!-- (1) Download this package (not critical) -->

<download_from_cloud path="/home/admin/Check_Point_R80_10_JUMBO_HF_Bundle_T97_FULL.tgz" iscritical="false" />


<!-- (2) If download from CP Cloud failed, use the CDT import and install actions -->

<import_package path="/home/admin/Check_Point_R80_10_JUMBO_HF_Bundle_T97_FULL.tgz" />

<install_package path="/home/admin/Check_Point_R80_10_JUMBO_HF_Bundle_T97_FULL.tgz" />
