Managing API Keys


You can use Zero TouchClosed Allows users to manage the initial configurations of "Small Office" and "Gaia Gateways" easily and remotely. Settings from the Zero Touch Server replace the First Time Configuration Wizard. The Zero Touch Cloud Service runs a Web Portal and supports REST API. All actions are available through API calls. API commands to configure the environment. See the Zero Touch REST API User Guide.

Workflow for using the Zero Touch API commands:

  1. In the Zero Touch Web Portal, generate the pair of values - an API Client ID and an API Key.

  2. Run the Zero Touch API command "login".

    In the JSON payload, you must specify the pair - the API Client ID and the API Key.


    "user": "YOUR_USERNAME",
    "password": "YOUR_PASSWORD",
  3. In the Zero Touch API response to the "login" command, get the value of the key "sid" - the session ID.

  4. In all subsequent Zero Touch API commands you run, in the JSON payload you must specify the key "X-chkp-sid" with the value that you received in the key "sid".

  5. At the end of you session, run the Zero Touch API command "logout".

Generating an API Client ID and an API Key

Note - Each logged in user can generate only one API Key.

  1. In the top right corner, click Options () and click Manage API Key.

  2. In the field Validity Days, configure the required value between 1 and 180 days (the default is 90 days).

  3. Click Generare Key.

  4. Click Copy to Clipboard.

    Save this pair in a safe location.

    Warning - For security reasons, this window shows the API Key only one time.

    After you close this window, you cannot see this API Key.

    If you lose this API Key, you need to revoke it and generate a new one.

  5. Click Close.

Viewing the API Client ID and the API Key Expiration

  1. In the top right corner, click Options () and click Manage API Key.

  2. Click Close.

Note - For security reasons, this window never shows the API Key.

Revoking the API Key

  1. In the top right corner, click Options () and click Manage API Key.

  2. Click Revoke Key.

  3. Click Yes to confirm.

  4. Click Close.