
The Check Point CPView service runs on a Check Point server. For information about CPView, see sk101878.

Skyline quickly and efficiently monitors your Security Gateways with industry-standard software and protocols (OpenTelemetry, Prometheus Server, and Grafana Server).

Skyline provides an OpenTelemetry Agent for the Check Point CPView service.

This OpenTelemetry Agent collects and exports health metrics from CPView.

Skyline Architecture

The Skyline architecture includes three primary components:



CPView OpenTelemetry Agent

Runs on Check Point servers.

A service that queries CPView at defined intervals, collects the metrics, and exports them to an OpenTelemetry Collector.

OpenTelemetry Collector

Runs on Check Point servers.

An open-source service that receives metrics from multiple agents and exports them to an external endpoint (a different OpenTelemetry Collector or a Prometheus Remote-Write).

Storage Location

Third-party software that runs on an external server, to which an OpenTelemetry Collector sends the exported metrics.

The Prometheus Server receives data from the OpenTelemetry Collector, saves it in a Timeseries Database, and visualizes the data with visualization tools like Grafana.

Other third-party monitoring tools are also supported.

Logical Diagram:

Skyline Requirements

See sk178566 > section "Requirements".

Skyline Downloads

See sk178566 > section "Downloads".

Skyline Known Limitations

See sk178566 > section "Known Limitations".

Skyline Metrics

See Skyline Metrics Repository.