1. Login to the Environment and API setup


Connect to the Lab Environment, review the default API settings, configure and start the R81 Management API server.





Login to R81.10 MGMT Server via SSH , The session is saved in Mobaxterm: Mgmt-

  • Username – admin

  • Password – vpn123

  • IP – (NAT address. Real address is


In the SSH session on the management server run the following command :

api status


Review the output – Check the following settings :

  1. API Settings – Accessibility

  2. API Settings – Automatic Start

  3. Overall API Status

Important - By default the API server is only configured to allow local connections :


Change directory to the R8X_Mgmt_Scripts folder :

cd /home/admin/R8X_Mgmt_Scripts


Since the R81 API server is setup to only allow local connections by default, we would like to configure it to allow other IP addresses to connect. In addition, we will add an api_user with the password of “vpn123” as an additional user.

Run the following command:

bash api_setup

This command does the following:

  1. Adds a new user api_user with a password of vpn123.

  2. Adds a new user cpx_user with a password of vpn123.

  3. Adds a new tag “Web_Control”.

  4. Changes the API server to accept all IP addresses.

  5. Restarts the api server.

  6. Runs the api status command.


Open R81.10 Smart Console and Review the changes that were made,

  1. User Name : admin

  2. Password : vpn123

Start with Manage & Settings :

  1. Check the new user under Permissions & AdministratorsAdministrators – Look for api_user :

  2. Check the API settings under BladesManagement API