show updatable-objects-imported

In the R81.10.X releases, this command is available starting from the R81.10.00 version.


Shows a list of all the imported updatable objects.


show updatable-objects-imported

Example Command

show updatable-objects-imported

Example Output

name:                         Benin
uuid:                         96d9b816-3216-45c8-9446-c73380244bbd
is-imported:                  true
uid:                          CP_GEO_BJ
parent-uid:                   CP_GEO_AFRICA
name:                         Chad
uuid:                         11be095e-9343-47dc-aaed-2e2cb4ad2862
is-imported:                  true
uid:                          CP_GEO_TD
parent-uid:                   CP_GEO_AFRICA
name:                         Japan
uuid:                         3f615c4d-3d99-4b08-b4e1-cf6b3b2e73e1
is-imported:                  true
uid:                          CP_GEO_JP
parent-uid:                   CP_GEO_ASIA