set administrator session-settings
In the R81.10.X releases, this command is available starting from the R81.10.00 version.
Configures the session settings for administrators.
These settings are global for all administrators.
Note - We strongly recommend the use of complex passwords. Password must be at least 12 characters in length and contain uppercase, lowercase, numeric and non-alphanumeric characters. Allowed alphanumeric characters: |
Parameter |
Description |
inactivity-timeout |
Configures the administrator is automatically logged out from the WebUI after the session is idle for this integer number of minutes |
lock-period |
Configures the lock period - once locked out, the administrator is be unable to login for this integer number of seconds |
lockout-enable |
Enables ( |
max-lockout-attempts |
Configures the maximum number of consecutive login failure attempts before the administrator is locked out |
password-complexity-level |
Configures additional restrictions on administrator passwords, according to the selected complexity level |
password-expiration-timeout |
Requires the administrator to change their password after this integer number of days (from the last time the password was changed) Takes effect only if the password complexity level is set to ' |
password-history-mechanism |
Enables ( |
Example Command