drSMB diag verify

In the R81.10.X releases, this command is available starting from the R81.10.05 version.


Shows the latest generated Dr. Spark report.


drSMB diag verify [except] [{[TestId1],[TestId2],... | [SectionName]}]





Optional parameter.

Specifies the tests by their names or their numbers.

To see the test names, run:

drSMB diag list


Optional parameter.

Specifies the tests by their section name (one section name at a time):

  • Cellular

  • Cluster

  • Connectivity

  • Hardware

  • License

  • Memory

  • Misc

  • OS

  • Performance

  • Policy_and_Configuration

  • Reach_My_Device

  • Sizing

  • SMP

  • Status

  • VPN

  • VSX_Configuration


Optional parameter.

Runs all tests, except the specified.

Example Output - verify

[Expert@MyGW]# drSMB diag verify
Duration of tests vary and may take a few minutes to complete

| Tests Status                                                                                  |
| ID | Title                           | Result     | Reason                                    |
| Misc                                                                                          |
|  1 | Core Dumps                      | Passed     | Userspace core was not found.             |
|  2 | Kernel Panics                   | Passed     | No kernel panics on the current software  |
|    |                                 |            | version.                                  |
| Policy and Configuration                                                                      |
|  3 | Administrator Security Settings | Warning    | Administrator password complexity enforce |
|    |                                 |            | ment is disabled, you can change it by 's |
|    |                                 |            | et administrator session-settings'.       |
|  4 | Policy Status                   | Passed     | There is no policy installation issue.    |
|  5 | Access Rule                     | Passed     | Illegal access rules was not found.       |
|  6 | Certificates                    | Passed     | There is no issue with the certificates.  |
|  7 | RAD Daemon Status               | N/A        | This test is only for appliances with les |
|    |                                 |            | s then 2GB RAM.                           |
|  8 | MultiWstlsd Check               | N/A        | This test is only for appliances with les |
|    |                                 |            | s then 2GB RAM.                           |
|  9 | Internet Object                 | Passed     | Object 'Internet' is not present in incom |
|    |                                 |            | ing policy rules.                         |
| 10 | Certificates Expiration         | Info       | Default VPN and Cluster certificate expir |
|    |                                 |            | ation is on Tue Feb 27 14:53:54 2029. Def |
|    |                                 |            | ault Web Portal Certificate expiration is |
|    |                                 |            |  on Sun Feb 26 14:53:40 2034.             |
| Status                                                                                        |
| 11 | Password Complexity             | Warning    | Warrning: password complexity for adminis |
|    |                                 |            | trator passwords level is low. We recomme |
|    |                                 |            | nd you enforce password complexity for ad |
|    |                                 |            | ministrator passwords in Device > System  |
|    |                                 |            | > Administrators > Security Settings.     |
| 12 | Partitions                      | Passed     | All partitions are less than 90% full.    |
| 13 | Blade Update                    | Passed     | All blades installation succeed.          |
| 14 | Blade License Status            | Passed     | All the blades have valid licenses.       |


Example Output - print

[Expert@MyGW]# drSMB diag print
Core Dumps:

Checking for userspace core....
Userspace core was not found.

Kernel Panics:

Checking for kernel panics....
No kernel panics on the current software version.

Administrator Security Settings:

Checking administrator security settings....
Administrator password complexity enforcement is disabled, you can change it by 'set administrator session-settings'.

Policy Status:

Checking for policy installation errors....
There is no policy installation issue.

Access Rule:

Checking for illegal access rules....
Illegal access rules was not found.


Checking certificates....
There is no issue with the certificates.

RAD Daemon Status:

Checking RAD Daemon....
This test is only for appliances with less then 2GB RAM.

MultiWstlsd Check:

Checking multiwstlsd...
This test is only for appliances with less then 2GB RAM.

Internet Object:

Checking if object 'Internet' is present in incoming policy rules....
Object 'Internet' is not present in incoming policy rules.
