

Wi-Fi 品質分析器偵測關閉 UserCheck 規則動作,允許流量和檔案進入內部網路並記錄它們。設備附近的 Wi-Fi 網路,並顯示包含以下資訊的報告:

  • 當前Wi-Fi通道上來自其他Wi-Fi網路的干擾級別。

  • 連線到此設備的Wi-Fi使用者端的信號級別。


  1. 連線至Quantum 設備上的指令列。

  2. 登錄到專家模式。

  3. 執行 Wi-Fi 品質分析器:



WiFi Quality Report
Appliance is using channel 11
The WiFi setup in terms of interference from neighbour APs is very good (grade = 2.5). Even the strongest interferer of all APs - ExampleWiFi, accounting for 74 percent of potential interference has a relatively low rssi (= 24).
Wifi Setup Grades:
below 2.5 - excellent
2.5 - 3.0 - very good
3.0 - 3.5 - good
3.5 - 5.0 - not so good
5.0 - 6.5 - not good
above 6.5 - terrible
As for individual clients, they can experience quality issues if their signal is too small, or they don't maintain a line of sight with the appliance or they are just too remote. Please consult the following table regarding the individual clients connected to the appliance
ExampleClient1        :    mac=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX: rssi = 55, very good quality
ExampleClient2        :    mac=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX: rssi = 21, good quality