fw commands

The fw commands are used for working with various aspects of the firewall. All fwcommands are executed on the Check Point Security Gateway. For more about the fwcommands, see the Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference Guide.

fw commands can be found by typing fw [TAB] at a command line. For some of the CLI commands, you can enter the -h parameter to display all the relevant arguments and parameters. These commands are:

fw command


fw accel [-h]

Turn acceleration on/off

fw activation [-h]

Activate license

fw avload [-h]

Load Anti-Virussignatures to kernel

fw ctl [args]

Control kernel

fw debug [-h]

Turn debug output on or off

fw fetch

Fetch last policy

fw fetchdefault [-h]

Fetch default policy

fw fetchlocal [-h]

Fetch local policy

fw monitor [-h]

Monitor Check Point Appliance traffic

fw pull_cert

Pull certificate from internal CA

fw sfwd

fw daemon

fw sic_init [-h]

Initialize SIC

fw sic_reset [-h]

Reset SIC

fw sic_test

Test SIC with management

fw stat [-h]

Display policy installation status of the gateway. (Command is provided for backward compatibility.)

fw tab [-h]

Display kernel-table content

fw unloadlocal

Unload local policy

fw ver [-k]

Display version