DNS Proxy Forwarding Domains


The Domain Name System (DNS) is the hierarchical and decentralized naming system used to identify computers, services, and other resources reachable through the Internet or other Internet Protocol (IP) networks.

The "DNS Proxy Forwarding Domains" feature is a based on the Linux dnsmasq package.

Before the "DNS Proxy Forwarding Domains" feature was introduced, an administrator could only configure at most three DNS servers for all types of suffixes - for instance, google.com and amazon.com were translated with the same DNS servers.

With the "DNS Proxy Forwarding Domains" feature, an administrator can configure, for every suffix, what DNS server will translate this suffix.

For instance, an administrator can decide that google.com will be translated by the DNS server (Google's public DNS), but amazon.com will be translated by the DNS server (Cloudflare's public DNS), while other suffixes will be translated by the local DNS server.

To complete this feature, a sub-feature was introduced - "Listening Interfaces". The dnsmasq package uses the configured Listening Interfaces to know on what interfaces it should listen, so it could route DNS queries properly. The dnsmasq package will not route DNS queries on interfaces, on which it was not configured to listen.

Configuring DNS Proxy Forwarding Domains in Gaia Portal

Important - On Scalable Platforms (ElasticXL, Maestro, and Chassis), you must connect to the Gaia Portal of the applicable Security Group.

Configuring DNS Proxy Forwarding Domains in Gaia Clish

Important - On Scalable Platforms (ElasticXL, Maestro, and Chassis), you must run the applicable commands in Gaia gClish of the applicable Security Group.


Configure, show, and delete the settings for DNS servers and the DNS suffix in Gaia OS.


Important - After you add, configure, or delete features, run the "save config" command to save the settings permanently. Scalable Platforms save the changes automatically.
