Removing an Interface from a Virtual Device


This command removes an interface from an existing Virtual DeviceClosed Logical object that emulates the functionality of a type of physical network object. Virtual Device can be on of these: Virtual Router, Virtual System, or Virtual Switch. object:


  • If the interface you remove leads to a Virtual Router, all routes through that interface are removed automatically.

  • You must remove all subordinate interfaces of a bridge interface in the same transaction. This also removes the bridge interface.

Note - If there are routes that have a next-hop IP address, which would become inaccessible without this interface, the transaction fails.


remove interface vd <Name of Virtual Device Object> {name <Name of Interface> | leads_to <Name of VSW or VR Object>}





vd <Name of Virtual Device Object>

Object name

Specifies the name of the Virtual Device object.

Mandatory parameter, if this is the first command in a transaction.

name <<Name of Interface>>

Interface name

Specifies the name of the physical or VLAN interface.

Note - You must use the "name" or "leads_to" parameter, but not both.

leads_to <Name of VSW or VR Object>

Object name

Specifies the name of the Virtual Switch or Virtual Router object, to which this interface connects.

This parameter is applicable only for a Virtual System.

Note - You must use the "name" or "leads_to" parameter, but not both.

Example 1 - Removing a VLAN interface from a Virtual System "VS1"

vsx_provisioning_tool -s localhost -u admin -p mypassword -o remove interface vd VS1 name eth4.100

Example 2 - Removing all subordinate interfaces "eth2" and "eth3" of a bridge interface in the Virtual System "VS1"

vsx_provisioning_tool -s localhost -u admin -p mypassword -o remove interface vd VS1 name eth2, remove interface vd VS1 name eth3