Session Flow for Administrators

In SmartConsoleClosed Check Point GUI application used to manage a Check Point environment - configure Security Policies, configure devices, monitor products and events, install updates, and so on., administrators work with sessions. A session is created each time an administrator logs into SmartConsole. Changes made in the session are saved automatically. You can generate a changes report to show you all the changes made in a session. These changes are private and available only to the administrator. To avoid configuration conflicts, other administrators see a lock icon on objects and rules that are being edited in other sessions.

Administrators can publish or discard their private changes. To include private changes in the policy installation, you must publish your changes in the session. This is also true if you want to make your private changes available to other administrators. Unpublished changes from other sessions are not included in the policy installation.

Before you publish a session, we recommend that you give the session a name and add a brief description that documents the work process.

Publishing a Session

The validations pane in SmartConsole shows configuration error messages. Examples of errors are object names that are not unique, or the use of objects that are not valid in the Rule BaseClosed All rules configured in a given Security Policy. Synonym: Rulebase.. Make sure you correct these errors before publishing.

To publish a SmartConsole session

On the SmartConsole toolbar, click Publish. When a session is published, a new database version is created and shows in the list of database revisions.

To add a name or description to a session

  1. In the SmartConsole toolbar, click Session.

    The Session Details window opens.

  2. Enter a name for the database version.

  3. Enter a description.

  4. Click OK.

To discard a session

In the SmartConsole toolbar, click Discard.

Working in SmartConsole Session View

The Session view shows all unpublished sessions in the system. The view shows the sessions of the current administrator, sessions of other administrators and sessions from other applications. The columns in the view can be customized and show the session owner, name, description, connection mode, number of private changes, number of locks, application and other values.

To see session information, click Manage & Settings > Sessions > View Sessions.

Actions available to administrators on private sessions are determined by the Manage Sessions permission on their profile.

Administrators without the Manage Session permission can:

Administrators with the Manage Session Permission can:

  • Publish and discard their own sessions

  • See sessions opened by other administrators, the number the locks they have and number of changes they have made

  • Take over sessions created by applications, for example sessions created by the API command line tool

  • Publish and discard their own sessions

  • See sessions opened by other administrators, the number the locks they have and number changes they have made

  • Publish & Disconnect the private sessions of other administrators

  • Disconnect & Discard the private sessions of other administrators

  • Disconnect another administrator's private session

  • Take over sessions created by applications, for example sessions created by the API command line tool

  • Take over the private sessions of other administrators.

    Note - If you want to keep changes made in your own private session, publish these changes before you take over the session of another administrator. If you do not publish your changes, you will lose them. When you take over, you disconnect the other administrator's SmartConsole session.

  • Publish & Disconnect the private sessions of other administrators. The action applies to both SmartConsole sessions and command line API sessions.

  • Disconnect the private session of other administrators

  • Discard & Disconnect the private session of other administrators

Viewing Changes Made in Private Sessions

You can generate a report to show you the changes made in a specific session, it can be your current session or a different one. Tracking the changes made in sessions lets you track and monitor the changes made, and troubleshoot bugs.

Note - There is inconsistency between the number of changes which appears in the session toolbar and the Revisions view.

Taking over locked objects from administrators with inactive sessions

If there are locked objects in SmartConsole by administrators with inactive sessions, but the relevant administrators are currently unavailable to log back in to SmartConsole and remove the lock, you can take over their sessions.

To take over inactive sessions of other administrators:

  1. Log in to SmartConsole with a different administrator account.

  2. Go to Manage & Settings > Sessions > View Sessions.

  3. Right-click the relevant sessions of the administrator who owns the locked objects and select Take over.

You can now open the relevant object and publish or discard changes to remove the lock.

Administrators Working with Multiple Sessions

Administrators working with multiple sessions can open multiple additional private sessions without publishing changes made in the current private session.

Use Case

Suppose you are making changes in a private session and are asked to solve some immediate problem. The task involves making a change and publishing it. You do not wish to publish or discard your current private session.

You open a new private session, make the change required to resolve the issue, publish the change, then return to your previous private session.

To do this, you need to work with multiple sessions. To switch on multiple sessions, you need the Manage Sessions permission selected on your administrator profile.

To enable working in multiple sessions

  1. Open the relevant permission profile.

  2. Make sure the Manage Sessions permission is selected on the Management page.

  3. Open SmartConsole > Manage & Settings View > Sessions > Advanced.

  4. Select Each administrator can manage multiple SmartConsole sessions at the same time.

  5. Publish the change.

When working with multiple sessions, you can:

The SmartConsole Session menu

After multiple sessions are enabled, the SmartConsole Session menu has these new options:



Edit sessions details

Lets you change the session name and description.

Create new session

In the current window

Opens a new session in the current SmartConsole

In a new window

Opens a new session in a new SmartConsole


Shows a list of recent sessions. Selecting a session opens the session in the current SmartConsole


Opens the Open Session window that shows sessions that you previously created and saved.

  • Sessions shown in this window are owned by the current administrator in the current domain.

  • The Open Session > Actions menu has options to open a saved session in the current SmartConsole or open the session in a new SmartConsole.

The SmartConsole Session View

When multiple sessions are enabled, you can perform these additional actions:


You can:

For sessions that you own

  • Discard and Disconnect

  • Publish and Disconnect

  • Disconnect

  • Open an older session

For sessions owned by other administrators that have made private changes

  • Publish and Disconnect their changes

  • Discard and Disconnect

  • Disconnect

  • Take over their changes

For sessions owned by other administrators that have not made private sessions

  • Disconnect

  • Take over


  • When you work in single session, you need to publish or discard your changes before you take over another session. In multiple sessions, you do not have to publish or discard your session before you take over the session of another administrator.

  • In multiple sessions, an administrator who connects from another desktop to an already connected session can still take over the connected session by default.

Switching between Multiple and Single Session

If the session management settings switch from multiple SmartConsole sessions to allow only a single SmartConsole session at a time:

  • Administrators can still publish, discard and open sessions that they own.

  • Cannot create new sessions until they have published or discarded all their unpublished sessions with private sessions

  • Cannot take over the sessions of other administrators or applications (for example sessions created with API commands in the mgmt_cli utility) until they have published or discarded all their previously saved private sessions.

Approval Cycle for Sessions (SmartWorkflow and Identity Provider)

Lets administrators approve changes in sessions made by other administrators.

Use Case

This feature gives you the option to review and approve configuration changes made by other administrators before publishing them. You can define which administrators must submit their changes for approval and which administrators are authorized to approve changes.

