Anti-Spam & Email Security Software Blade

This Software BladeClosed Specific security solution (module): (1) On a Security Gateway, each Software Blade inspects specific characteristics of the traffic (2) On a Management Server, each Software Blade enables different management capabilities. enforces Anti-SpamClosed Check Point Software Blade on a Security Gateway that provides comprehensive protection for email inspection. Synonym: Anti-Spam & Email Security. Acronyms: AS, ASPAM.:

  • Based on content fingerprint - Identifies spam by analyzing known and emerging distribution patterns. By avoiding a search for keywords and phrases that might classify a legitimate email as spam and instead focusing on other message characteristics, this solution offers a high spam detection rate with a low number of false positives.

  • Based on IP Reputation - Blocks known spammers.

  • Based on user defined IP addresses and Sender / Domains - Blocks senders identified by either name, domain, or IP address.

You can configure:

  • Directional scanning for SMTP traffic

  • Directional scanning for POP3 traffic

  • Network exceptions

  • List of allowed email senders

For more information, see: