Upgrading Multi-Domain Servers in High Availability from R80.20 and higher with CPUSE
In a CPUSE Check Point Upgrade Service Engine for Gaia Operating System. With CPUSE, you can automatically update Check Point products for the Gaia OS, and the Gaia OS itself. upgrade scenario, you perform the upgrade procedure on the same Multi-Domain Servers.
Important - Before you upgrade Multi-Domain Servers:
Important - Before you can install Hotfixes on servers that work in Management High Availability, you must upgrade all these servers. |
If the Primary Multi-Domain Server is not available, promote the Secondary Multi-Domain Server to be the Primary
For instructions, see the R81 Multi-Domain Security Management Administration Guide - Chapter Working with High Availability - Section Failure Recovery - Subsection Promoting the Secondary Multi-Domain Server to Primary.
Make sure the Global Domain is Active on the Primary Multi-Domain Server
Connect with SmartConsole to the Primary Multi-Domain Server.
From the left navigation panel, click Multi Domain > Domains.
The table shows Domains and Multi-Domain Servers:
Every column shows a Multi-Domain Server.
Active Domain Management Servers (for a Domain) are marked with a solid black "barrel" icon.
Standby Domain Management Servers (for a Domain) are marked with an empty "barrel" icon.
In the leftmost column Domains, examine the bottom row Global for the Primary Multi-Domain Server.
If the Global Domain is in the Standby state on the Primary Multi-Domain Server (marked with an empty "barrel" icon), then make it Active:
Right-click on the Primary Multi-Domain Server and click Connect to Domain Server.
The High Availability Status window opens.
In the section Connected To, click Actions > Set Active.
Click Yes to confirm.
Wait for the full synchronization to complete.
Close SmartConsole.
Get the required Upgrade Tools on the Primary Multi-Domain Server
Important - See Upgrade Tools to understand if your server can download and install the latest version of the Upgrade Tools automatically.
Download the R81 Upgrade Tools from the sk135172.
(See Upgrade Tools.)
Note - This is a CPUSE Offline package.
Install the R81 Upgrade Tools with CPUSE.
See Installing Software Packages on Gaia and follow the applicable action plan for the Local - Offline installation.
Make sure the package is installed.
Run this command in the Expert mode:
cpprod_util CPPROD_GetValue CPupgrade-tools-R81 BuildNumber 1
The output must show the same build number you see in the name of the downloaded TGZ package.
ExampleName of the downloaded package:
[Expert@HostName:0]# cpprod_util CPPROD_GetValue CPupgrade-tools-R81 BuildNumber 1
Note - The command "
" from these Upgrade Tools always tries to connect to Check Point Cloud over the Internet.This is to make sure you always have the latest version of these Upgrade Tools installed.
If the connection to Check Point Cloud fails, this message appears:
Timeout. Failed to retrieve Upgrade Tools package. To download the package manually, refer to sk135172.
Upgrade the Primary Multi-Domain Server with CPUSE
See Installing Software Packages on Gaia and follow the applicable action plan.
Get the required Upgrade Tools on the Secondary Multi-Domain Server
Note - This step is needed only to be able to export the entire management database (for backup purposes) with the latest Upgrade Tools.
Important - See Upgrade Tools to understand if your server can download and install the latest version of the Upgrade Tools automatically.
Download the R81 Upgrade Tools from the sk135172.
(See Upgrade Tools.)
Note - This is a CPUSE Offline package.
Install the R81 Upgrade Tools with CPUSE.
See Installing Software Packages on Gaia and follow the applicable action plan for the Local - Offline installation.
Make sure the package is installed.
Run this command in the Expert mode:
cpprod_util CPPROD_GetValue CPupgrade-tools-R81 BuildNumber 1
The output must show the same build number you see in the name of the downloaded TGZ package.
ExampleName of the downloaded package:
[Expert@HostName:0]# cpprod_util CPPROD_GetValue CPupgrade-tools-R81 BuildNumber 1
Note - The command "
" from these Upgrade Tools always tries to connect to Check Point Cloud over the Internet.This is to make sure you always have the latest version of these Upgrade Tools installed.
If the connection to Check Point Cloud fails, this message appears:
Timeout. Failed to retrieve Upgrade Tools package. To download the package manually, refer to sk135172.
Upgrade the Secondary Multi-Domain Server with CPUSE
See Installing Software Packages on Gaia and follow the applicable action plan.
Update the object version of the Secondary Multi-Domain Server
Connect with SmartConsole to the R81 Primary Multi-Domain Server.
From the left navigation panel, click Multi-Domain > Domains.
From the top toolbar, open the Secondary Multi-Domain Server object.
From the left tree, click General.
In the Platform section > in the Version field, select R81.
Click OK.
Upgrade the Multi-Domain Log Servers, dedicated Log Servers, and dedicated SmartEvent Servers
Important - If your Multi-Domain Server manages Multi-Domain Log Servers, dedicated Log Servers, or dedicated SmartEvent Servers, you must upgrade these dedicated servers to the same version as the Multi-Domain Server.
Select the applicable upgrade option:
Reconfigure the Log Exporter
Connect to the command line on the server.
Log in to the Expert mode.
Restore the Log Exporter configuration as described in sk127653.
Reconfigure the Log Exporter:
cp_log_export reconf
Restart the Log Exporter:
cp_log_export restart
For more information, see the R81 Logging and Monitoring Administration Guide > Chapter Log Exporter.
In SmartConsole of each applicable Domain Management Server, install policy on all SmartLSM Security Profiles
Important - This step applies to each Domain Management Server Check Point Single-Domain Security Management Server or a Multi-Domain Security Management Server. that manages SmartLSM Security Profiles.
Install the Access Control Policy:
Click Install Policy.
In the Policy field, select the applicable Access Control Policy.
Select the applicable SmartLSM Security Profile objects.
Click Install.
The Access Control Policy must install successfully.
Install the Threat Prevention Policy:
Click Install Policy.
In the Policy field, select the applicable Threat Prevention Policy.
Select the applicable SmartLSM Security Profile objects.
Click Install.
The Threat Prevention Policy must install successfully.
For more information, see the R81 SmartProvisioning Administration Guide.
Test the functionality on the Primary R81 Multi-Domain Server
Connect with SmartConsole to the Primary R81 Multi-Domain Server.
Make sure the management database and configuration were upgraded correctly.
Test the Management High Availability functionality.