Multi-Version Cluster Upgrade Procedure - VSX Mode
Important - Before you upgrade a VSX Cluster:
Note - MVC supports VSX Cluster Members with different Gaia |
The procedure described below is based on an example cluster with three VSX Cluster Members M1, M2 and M3.
However, you can use it for clusters that consist of two or more.
Action plan:
On the Management Server, upgrade the VSX Cluster object to R81.
On the VSX Cluster Member
Security Gateway that is part of a cluster. M3:
Upgrade to R81
Note - If you perform a Clean Install
Installation of a Check Point Operating System from scratch on a computer. of R81, then push the VSX configuration from the Management Server to this VSX Cluster Member
Enable the MVC
In SmartConsole
Check Point GUI application used to manage a Check Point environment - configure Security Policies, configure devices, monitor products and events, install updates, and so on., install the Access Control Policy on the R81 VSX Cluster Member M3
On the next VSX Cluster Member M2:
Upgrade to R81
Note - If you perform a Clean Install of R81, then push the VSX configuration from the Management Server to this VSX Cluster Member
Enable the MVC
In SmartConsole, install the Access Control Policy on the R81 VSX Cluster Members M3 and M2.
On the remaining VSX Cluster Member M1:
Upgrade to R81
Note - If you perform a Clean Install of R81, then push the VSX configuration from the Management Server to this VSX Cluster Member
In SmartConsole, install the Access Control Policy and the Threat Prevention Policy on the VSX Cluster object.
In SmartConsole, install the Access Control Policy and the Threat Prevention Policy on each Virtual System object.
On the Management Server, upgrade the VSX Cluster object to R81
Follow the R81 VSX Administration Guide > Chapter Command Line Reference > Section vsx_util > Section vsx_util upgrade.
On the VSX Cluster Member M3, upgrade to R81 with CPUSE, or perform a Clean Install of R81
Important - You must reboot the VSX Cluster Member after the upgrade or clean install.
On each VSX Cluster Member, examine the VSX configuration and cluster state
Connect to the command line on each VSX Cluster Member.
Log in to the Expert mode.
Examine the VSX configuration:
vsx stat -v
Make sure all the configured Virtual Devices are loaded.
Make sure all Virtual Systems and Virtual Routers have SIC
Secure Internal Communication. The Check Point proprietary mechanism with which Check Point computers that run Check Point software authenticate each other over SSL, for secure communication. This authentication is based on the certificates issued by the ICA on a Check Point Management Server. Trust and policy.
Examine the cluster state in one of these ways:
set virtual-system 0
show cluster state
In the Expert mode, run:
vsenv 0
cphaprob state
Examine the cluster interfaces in one of these ways:
In Gaia Clish, run:
set virtual-system 0
show cluster members interfaces all
In the Expert mode, run:
vsenv 0
cphaprob -a if
The upgraded VSX Cluster Member M3 shows its cluster state as Ready.
Other VSX Cluster Members M2 and M1 show the cluster state of the upgraded VSX Cluster Member M3 as Lost, or do not detect it.
All Virtual Systems must show the same information about the states of all Virtual Systems.
On the R81 VSX Cluster Member M3, enable the MVC mechanism
Connect to the command line on the VSX Cluster Member.
Go to the context of Virtual System 0:
In Gaia Clish:
set virtual-system 0
In the Expert mode:
vsenv 0
Enable the MVC Mechanism:
In Gaia Clish:
set cluster member mvc on
In the Expert mode:
cphaconf mvc on
Examine the state of the MVC Mechanism:
In Gaia Clish:
show cluster members mvc
In the Expert mode:
cphaprob mvc
In SmartConsole, install the Access Control Policy on the R81 VSX Cluster Member M3
Click Install Policy.
In the Install Policy window:
In the Policy field, select the applicable Access Control Policy.
In the Install Mode section, select these two options:
Select Install on each selected gateway independently.
Clear For gateway clusters, if installation on a cluster member fails, do not install on that cluster.
Click Install.
The Access Control Policy installation:
Succeeds on the upgraded VSX Cluster Member M3.
Fails on the old VSX Cluster Members M1 and M2 with a warning. Ignore this warning.
On each VSX Cluster Member, examine the VSX configuration and cluster state
Connect to the command line on each VSX Cluster Member.
Log in to the Expert mode.
Examine the VSX configuration:
vsx stat -v
Make sure all the configured Virtual Devices are loaded.
Make sure all Virtual Systems and Virtual Routers have SIC Trust and policy.
Examine the cluster state in one of these ways:
In Gaia Clish, run:
set virtual-system 0
show cluster state
In the Expert mode, run:
vsenv 0
cphaprob state
Examine the cluster interfaces in one of these ways:
In Gaia Clish, run:
set virtual-system 0
show cluster members interfaces all
In the Expert mode, run:
vsenv 0
cphaprob -a if
In High Availability mode:
The upgraded VSX Cluster Member M3 changes its cluster state to Active.
Other VSX Cluster Members change their state to Standby.
In the Virtual System Load Sharing mode:
The upgraded VSX Cluster Member M3 changes its cluster state to Active.
Other VSX Cluster Members change their state to Standby and Backup.
All Virtual Systems must show the same information about the states of all Virtual Systems.
On the VSX Cluster Member M2, upgrade to R81 with CPUSE, or perform a Clean Install of R81
Important - You must reboot the VSX Cluster Member after the upgrade or clean install.
On each VSX Cluster Member, examine the VSX configuration and cluster state
Connect to the command line on each VSX Cluster Member.
Log in to the Expert mode.
Examine the VSX configuration:
vsx stat -v
Make sure all the configured Virtual Devices are loaded.
Make sure all Virtual Systems and Virtual Routers have SIC Trust and policy.
Examine the cluster state in one of these ways:
In Gaia Clish, run:
set virtual-system 0
show cluster state
In the Expert mode, run:
vsenv 0
cphaprob state
Examine the cluster interfaces in one of these ways:
In Gaia Clish, run:
set virtual-system 0
show cluster members interfaces all
In the Expert mode, run:
vsenv 0
cphaprob -a if
In the High Availability mode:
One of the upgraded VSX Cluster Members has the cluster state Active.
Other VSX Cluster Members have the cluster state Standby.
In the Virtual System Load Sharing mode:
One of the upgraded VSX Cluster Members has the cluster state Active.
Other VSX Cluster Members have the cluster states Standby and Backup.
All Virtual Systems must show the same information about the states of all Virtual Systems.
On the R81 VSX Cluster Member M2, enable the MVC mechanism
Connect to the command line on the VSX Cluster Member.
Go to the context of Virtual System 0:
In Gaia Clish:
set virtual-system 0
In the Expert mode:
vsenv 0
Enable the MVC Mechanism:
In Gaia Clish:
set cluster member mvc on
In the Expert mode:
cphaconf mvc on
Examine the state of the MVC Mechanism:
In Gaia Clish:
show cluster members mvc
In the Expert mode:
cphaprob mvc
In SmartConsole, install the Access Control Policy on the R81 VSX Cluster Members M3 and M2
Click Install Policy.
In the Install Policy window:
In the Policy field, select the applicable Access Control Policy.
In the Install Mode section, select these two options:
Select Install on each selected gateway independently.
Clear For gateway clusters, if installation on a cluster member fails, do not install on that cluster.
Click Install.
The Access Control Policy installation:
Succeeds on the upgraded VSX Cluster Members M3 and M2.
Fails on the old VSX Cluster Member M1 with a warning. Ignore this warning.
On each VSX Cluster Member, examine the VSX configuration and cluster state
Connect to the command line on each VSX Cluster Member.
Log in to the Expert mode.
Examine the VSX configuration:
vsx stat -v
Make sure all the configured Virtual Devices are loaded.
Make sure all Virtual Systems and Virtual Routers have SIC Trust and policy.
Examine the cluster state in one of these ways:
In Gaia Clish, run:
set virtual-system 0
show cluster state
In the Expert mode, run:
vsenv 0
cphaprob state
Examine the cluster interfaces in one of these ways:
In Gaia Clish, run:
set virtual-system 0
show cluster members interfaces all
In the Expert mode, run:
vsenv 0
cphaprob -a if
In the High Availability mode:
One of the upgraded VSX Cluster Members has the cluster state Active.
Other VSX Cluster Members have the cluster state Standby.
In the Virtual System Load Sharing mode:
One of the upgraded VSX Cluster Members has the cluster state Active.
Other VSX Cluster Members have the cluster states Standby and Backup.
All Virtual Systems must show the same information about the states of all Virtual Systems.
On the VSX Cluster Member M1, upgrade to R81 with CPUSE, or perform a Clean Install of R81
Important - You must reboot the VSX Cluster Member after the upgrade or clean install.
On each VSX Cluster Member, examine the VSX configuration and cluster state
Connect to the command line on each VSX Cluster Member.
Log in to the Expert mode.
Examine the VSX configuration:
vsx stat -v
Make sure all the configured Virtual Devices are loaded.
Make sure all Virtual Systems and Virtual Routers have SIC Trust and policy.
Examine the cluster state in one of these ways:
In Gaia Clish, run:
set virtual-system 0
show cluster state
In the Expert mode, run:
vsenv 0
cphaprob state
Examine the cluster interfaces in one of these ways:
In Gaia Clish, run:
set virtual-system 0
show cluster members interfaces all
In the Expert mode, run:
vsenv 0
cphaprob -a if
In the High Availability mode:
One of the VSX Cluster Members has the cluster state Active.
Other VSX Cluster Members have the cluster state Standby.
In the Virtual System Load Sharing mode:
One of the VSX Cluster Members has the cluster state Active.
Other VSX Cluster Members have the cluster states Standby and Backup.
All Virtual Systems must show the same information about the states of all Virtual Systems.
In SmartConsole, install the Access Control Policy and Threat Prevention Policy on the Cluster object
Connect with SmartConsole to the R81 Security Management Server
Dedicated Check Point server that runs Check Point software to manage the objects and policies in a Check Point environment within a single management Domain. Synonym: Single-Domain Security Management Server. or Domain Management Server that manages this cluster.
From the left navigation panel, click Gateways & Servers.
Install the Access Control Policy:
Click Install Policy.
In the Policy field, select the applicable Access Control Policy.
In the Install Mode section, select these two options:
Install on each selected gateway independently
For gateway clusters, if installation on a cluster member fails, do not install on that cluster
Click Install.
The Access Control Policy must install successfully on all the Cluster Members.
Install the Threat Prevention Policy:
Click Install Policy.
In the Policy field, select the applicable Threat Prevention Policy.
Click Install.
The Threat Prevention Policy must install successfully on all the Cluster Members.
On each VSX Cluster Member, examine the VSX configuration and cluster state
Connect to the command line on each VSX Cluster Member.
Log in to the Expert mode.
Examine the VSX configuration:
vsx stat -v
Make sure all the configured Virtual Devices are loaded.
Make sure all Virtual Systems and Virtual Routers have SIC Trust and policy.
Examine the cluster state in one of these ways:
In Gaia Clish, run:
set virtual-system 0
show cluster state
In the Expert mode, run:
vsenv 0
cphaprob state
All VSX Cluster Members must show the same information about the states of all VSX Cluster Members.
In the High Availability mode, one VSX Cluster Member must be in the Active state, and all other VSX Cluster Members must be in Standby state.
In the Virtual System Load Sharing mode, all VSX Cluster Members must be in the Active state.
All Virtual Systems must show the same information about the states of all Virtual Systems.
Examine the cluster interfaces in one of these ways:
In Gaia Clish, run:
set virtual-system 0
show cluster members interfaces all
In the Expert mode, run:
vsenv 0
cphaprob -a if
In the High Availability mode:
One of the VSX Cluster Members has the cluster state Active.
Other VSX Cluster Members have the cluster state Standby.
In the Virtual System Load Sharing mode:
One of the VSX Cluster Members has the cluster state Active.
Other VSX Cluster Members have the cluster states Standby and Backup.
All Virtual Systems must show the same information about the states of all Virtual Systems.
On each VSX Cluster Member, disable the MVC mechanism
Connect to the command line on each VSX Cluster Member.
Go to the context of Virtual System 0:
In Gaia Clish:
set virtual-system 0
In the Expert mode:
vsenv 0
Disable the MVC Mechanism:
In Gaia Clish:
set cluster member mvc off
In the Expert mode:
cphaconf mvc off
Examine the state of the MVC Mechanism:
In Gaia Clish:
show cluster members mvc
In the Expert mode:
cphaprob mvc
In SmartConsole, install the Access Control Policy and the Threat Prevention Policy on each Virtual System object
Connect with SmartConsole to the R81 Security Management Server or each Target Domain Management Server that manages the Virtual System on this VSX Cluster.
Install the Access Control Policy on the Virtual System object.
Install the Threat Prevention Policy on the Virtual System object.
Test the functionality
Connect with SmartConsole to the R81 Security Management Server or each Target Domain Management Server that manages the Virtual Systems on this VSX Cluster.
From the left navigation panel, click Logs & Monitor > Logs.
Examine the logs from the Virtual Systems on this VSX Cluster to make sure they inspect the traffic as expected.
For more information, see the: