

This command starts the Multi-Domain Server Configuration Program. This tool configures specific settings for the installed Check Point products.

Note - This command updates the database schema before it imports. First, the command runs pre-upgrade verification. If no errors are found, migration continues. If there are errors, you must fix them on the source R7x Domain Management Server according to instructions in the error messages. Then do this procedure again.

For the complete procedure, see the R81 Installation and Upgrade Guide.



Menu Options

Menu Option


Leading VIP Interfaces

The Leading VIP Interfaces are real interfaces connected to an external network.

These interfaces are used when you configure virtual IP addresses for Domain Management Servers.


Manages Check Point licenses and contracts on this server.

Random Pool

Configures the RSA keys, to be used by Gaia Operating System.


Usually, the Multi-Domain Server is given group permission for access and execution.

You may now name such a group or instruct the installation procedure to give no group permissions to the server.

In the latter case, only the Super-User is able to access and execute commands on the server.

Certificate's Fingerprint

Shows the ICA's Fingerprint.

This fingerprint is a text string derived from the server's ICA certificate.

This fingerprint verifies the identity of the server when you connect to it with SmartConsole.


Configures Check Point system administrators for this server.

GUI Clients

Configures the GUI clients that can use SmartConsole to connect to this server.

Automatic Start of Multi-Domain Server

Shows and controls if Multi-Domain Server starts automatically during boot.


Obsolete. Do not use this option anymore.

Important - This option and the p1shell command are not supported (Known Limitation PMTR-45085).

Start Multi-Domain Server Password

Configures a password to control the start of the Multi-Domain Server.

IPv6 Support for Multi-Domain Server

Enables or disables the IPv6 Support on the Multi-Domain Server.

Important - R81 Multi-Domain Server does not support IPv6 address configuration (Known Limitation PMTR-14989).

IPv6 Support for Existing Domain Management Servers

Enables or disables the IPv6 Support on the Domain Management Servers.

Important - R81 Multi-Domain Server does not support IPv6 address configuration (Known Limitation PMTR-14989).


Exits from the Multi-Domain Server Configuration Program.

Example - Menu on a Multi-Domain Server

[Expert@MyMDS:0]# mdsconfig

Welcome to Multi-Domain Server Configuration Program
This program will let you re-configure your Multi-Domain Server configuration.

Configuration Options:
(1)  Leading VIP Interfaces
(2)  Licenses
(3)  Random Pool
(4)  Groups
(5)  Certificate's Fingerprint
(6)  Administrators
(7)  GUI clients
(8)  Automatic Start of Multi-Domain Server
(9)  P1Shell
(10) Start Multi-Domain Server Password
(11) IPv6 Support for Multi-Domain Server
(12) IPv6 Support for Existing Domain Management Servers

(13) Exit

Enter your choice (1-13):