vpn tu tlist


Shows information about VPN tunnels.

Syntax for IPv4

vpn tu [-w] tlist

      {-h | -help}





      [<Sort Options>]

Syntax for IPv6

vpn6 tu [-w] tlist

      {-h | -help}





      [<Sort Options>]

      [<Output Options>]





Shows various warnings on the screen.

-h | -help

Shows the built-in usage.


Clears the Tunnel List volume statistics.


Turns on the Tunnel List volume statistics.


Shows the current Tunnel List volume statistics state.


Turns off the Tunnel List volume statistics.

<Sort Options>

The available sort options are:


If you specify more than one sort option, you can:

  • Separate the options with spaces:

    ... -<option1> -<option2> -<option3>

    For example: -v -t -b -r

  • Write the options together:

    ... -<option1><option2><option3>

    For example: -vtbr

<Output Options>

The available output options are (you can specify more than one output option):

  • -a {on | off}

    Shows only accelerated tunnels ("-a on") or only non-accelerated tunnels ("-a off").

  • -c {ra_nat_t | ra_vm | ra_ssl | ra_l2tp | ra_strongSwan | ra_android | ra_ios}

    Shows only the tunnels with the corresponding type.

  • -w <Width of Column 1>,<Width of Column 2>,<Width of Column 3>

    Configures the width of the table columns.

    You must always enter 3 values. Example: -w 46,33,20

  • -y

    Shows only the peer summary, without the list of VPN tunnels.

  • -z

    Shows a summary for traffic handled by the IKE daemon "iked" instances.

Example for IPv4

| Peer: (c05ea6c62d82122c)    | MSA: ffffc90047aa08d8 | i: 3  ref:     1    |
| Client public IP:            |                       |                     |
| Authenticated at:    Aug 1 17:22:01     |                       |                     |
| Methods: SSL Tunnel 3DES MDS            |                       |                     |
| My TS:                      |                       |                     |
| Peer TS:                    |                       |                     |
| User: user_1                            |                       |                     |
| MSPI:   1c00001 (i:  3, p:  -)          |                       |                     |
| Tunnel created:        Aug 1 17:22      |  SSL                  |                     |
| Tunnel expiration:     Aug 1 17:31:58   |  Connected            |                     |
| Peer: - SGW4                |  MSA: ffffc90047aa0ae |i: 9   ref: --57/60  |
| Methods: ESP Tunnel AES-128 SHA1        |                       |                     |
| My TS:                     |                       |                     |
| Peer TS:                                |                       |                     |
| MSPI:                                   |  No outbound SPI      |                     |
| Tunnel created:                         |  IPsec                |                     |
| Tunnel expiration:                      |  Disconnected         |                     |

(1) Site-to-Site tunnels are up:
IPSEC           1
NAT-T           0

(1) Number of Active Clients:
NAT-T           0
Visitor Mode    0
SSL             1
L2TP            0

The output of the "vpn tu tlist" command is a table with counters below it.

Each row of the table shows information for one VPN peer.

These fields can appear in the left column of the table:

Field in Left Column



IP address of the remote peer that communicates with the VPN Gateway through the VPN tunnel.

Client public IP

In a Remote Access VPNClosed An encrypted tunnel between remote access clients (such as Endpoint Security VPN) and a Security Gateway. tunnel, shows the public IP address of the Remote Access client.

Authenticated at

Date and time when the VPN Gateway finished establishing the tunnel with a Remote Access VPN client.


Encryption methods configured for the VPN tunnel.


  • tunnel type - SSL, ESP

  • encryption type - 3DES, AES-128

  • data integrity algorithm - MD5, SHA1


Traffic Selector - Subnets, sections of subnets, or a single IP address behind the VPN Gateway that can be destinations for traffic that passes through the VPN TunnelClosed An encrypted connection between two hosts using standard protocols (such as L2TP) to encrypt traffic going in and decrypt it coming out, creating an encapsulated network through which data can be safely shared as though on a physical private line..

Peer TS

Peer Traffic Selector:


In a Remote Access VPN tunnel, shows the username of the remote access user.







Unique indicator for the VPN tunnel to a Security GatewayClosed Dedicated Check Point server that runs Check Point software to inspect traffic and enforce Security Policies for connected network resources..

If the VPN peer is a ClusterClosed Two or more Security Gateways that work together in a redundant configuration - High Availability, or Load Sharing., each Cluster MemberClosed Security Gateway that is part of a cluster. has its own hash.



The number of the firewall instance on which the VPN tunnel is opened.



The tunnel is not accelerated.


The tunnel is accelerated.

The number indicates the SecureXLClosed Check Point product on a Security Gateway that accelerates IPv4 and IPv6 traffic that passes through a Security Gateway. instance that handles the tunnel.



The number of the IKE daemon "iked" instance that handles traffic in the VPN tunnel.

Tunnel created

If the VPN tunnel is connected, shows the date and time when the VPN tunnel was created.

If the VPN tunnel is disconnected, shows no value.

Tunnel expiration

If the VPN tunnel is connected, shows the date and time when the VPN tunnel will expire.

If the VPN tunnel is disconnected, shows no value.

These fields can appear in the middle column of the table:

Field in Middle Column



The unique hash ID of the Security Association.


The VPN tunnel is of type IPsec.


the VPN tunnel is of type SSL.

No outbound SPI

There is no Security Parameter Index (SPI) for outbound traffic.


the VPN Gateway has encryption keys for the VPN tunnel.


the VPN Gateway does not have encryption keys for the VPN tunnel.



When the initiator of the negotiation requests Traffic Selectors (TS) that are wider than the one the responder is willing to accept, the responder replies with a narrower range. The final TS is set to the narrowed range.

  • If there is narrowing and the local Security Gateway is the initiator, you see the text: * * * Eclipsed * * *

  • If narrowing occurred and the local Security Gateway is the responder, you see the text: * * * Narrow * * *

These fields can appear in the right column of the table:

Field in Right Column





The number of the firewall instance on which the VPN tunnel is opened.






The number of connections that the firewall instance handles.


The tunnel is disconnected and there is a countdown until termination or re-establishment of the tunnel. The integer before the slash is the number of seconds left in the countdown backwards to 0. The integer after the slash is the total length of the countdown.


ref: -- 57/60 means the tunnel is disconnected. There are 57 seconds left in a 60-second countdown until tunnel termination or re-establishment.

These counters appear below "Site-to-Site tunnels are up:"




the number of Site to Site VPN tunnels of type IPsec connected to the VPN Gateway


the number of Site to Site VPN tunnels of type NAT-Tconnected to the VPN Gateway

These counters appear below "Number of Active Clients:"




the number of Remote Access clients connected to the VPN Gateway in NAT Traversal (NAT-T) mode

Visitor Mode

the number of Remote Access clients connected to the VPN Gateway in Visitor Mode


the number of Remote Access clients connected to the VPN Gateway in SSL mode


the number of Remote Access clients connected to the VPN Gateway in L2TP mode


the number of Remote Access clients connected to the VPN Gateway in strongSwan mode