Contract Verification

Before you upgrade your Management ServerClosed Check Point Single-Domain Security Management Server or a Multi-Domain Security Management Server. to R81.20, you must have a valid Support Contract that includes software upgrades and major releases registered to your Check Point User Center account.

By verifying your status with the User Center, the contract file enables you to remain compliant with current Check Point licensing standards.

As in all upgrade procedures, first upgrade your Security Management ServerClosed Dedicated Check Point server that runs Check Point software to manage the objects and policies in a Check Point environment within a single management Domain. Synonym: Single-Domain Security Management Server. or Multi-Domain ServerClosed Dedicated Check Point server that runs Check Point software to host virtual Security Management Servers called Domain Management Servers. Synonym: Multi-Domain Security Management Server. Acronym: MDS. before upgrading the Security Gateways.

When you upgrade a Management Server, the upgrade process checks to see whether a Contract File is already present.

If a Contract File is not present, later you can download a Contract File manually from the Check Point User Center and import it.

If a Contract File does not cover the Management Server, a message informs you that the Management Server is not eligible for upgrade.

Important - The absence of a valid Contract File does not prevent upgrade.

Note - In most cases, you do not need to worry about your Service Contract File. Your Management Server is configured to communicate with the User Center automatically, and download the most current file. This allows the Management Server to enable the purchased services properly.

You can download a valid Contract File later.



Download a contract file from the User Center

If you have Internet access and a valid Check Point User Center account, download a Contract File directly from your User Center account:

Import a local contract file

If the Management Server does not have Internet access:

  1. On a computer with Internet access, log in to your Check Point User Center account.

  2. In the top menu, click Assets/Info > Download Contract File and follow the instructions on the screen.

  3. Transfer the downloaded contract file to your Management Server.

  4. Select Import a local contracts file.

  5. Enter the full path to the location where you stored the contract file.

Continue without contract information

Select this option, if you intend to get and install a valid Contract File later.

Note that at this point your managed Security Gateways are not strictly eligible for an upgrade.

You may be in violation of your Check Point Licensing Agreement, as shown in the final message of the upgrade process.