NAT and the Correction Layer on a VSX Gateway

In a VSX Gateway, the guidelines in NAT and the Correction Layer on a Security Gateway apply to each Virtual System individually.

For best results, manage an entire session by a specified Virtual System on the same Security Group Member.

When a Virtual Switch (junction) connects several Virtual Systems, the same session can be handled by one Virtual System on one Security Group Member, and by another Virtual System on a different Security Group Member.

When a packet reaches a Virtual System from a junction, the system VSX Stateless Correction Layer checks the distribution again according to the Distribution Mode configured on the WRP interface. It can decide to forward the packet to a different Security Group Member.

In addition, on each Virtual System, the stateful Correction Layer can forward session packets, similar to the Security Gateway.

All forwarding operations have a performance impact. Therefore, the Distribution Mode configuration should minimize forwarding operations.

To achieve optimal distribution between Security Group Members in a Security Group in VSX mode:

NAT Rules


Not using NAT rules on any Virtual System

Set the Distribution Mode to General.

Using NAT rule on at least one Virtual System

  • On the Virtual Systems that use NAT rules:

    • Set the Distribution Mode to User for the networks hidden behind NAT.

    • Set the Distribution Mode to Network for the destination networks.

  • On the remaining Virtual Systems that do not use NAT rules:

    • Set the Distribution Mode to User for the internal networks.

    • Set the Distribution Mode to Network for the external networks.