Module "fg" (FloodGate-1 - QoS)
On the Security Gateway
Dedicated Check Point server that runs Check Point software to inspect traffic and enforce Security Policies for connected network resources. / each Cluster Member
Security Gateway that is part of a cluster., run in the Expert mode:
fw ctl debug -m fg + {all | <List of Debug Flags>}
g_fw ctl debug -m fg + {all | <List of Debug Flags>}
Flag |
Description |
Tracing each packet through FloodGate-1 stages in the cookie chain |
Internal Chain Queue mechanism - holding and releasing of packets during critical actions (policy installation and uninstall) |
Classification of connections to QoS |
Processing and identification of connection |
DNS classification mechanism |
Dropped packets due to WFRED policy |
Dropped packets due to WFRED policy - with additional debug information (verbose) |
General errors |
Internal flow of connections (direction, interfaces, buffers, and so on) |
Rate statistics for each interface and direction |
Currently is not used |
Policy installation |
Low latency queuing |
Everything related to calls in the log |
Processing of connections in ClusterXL in Load Sharing Mode |
Memory allocation operations |
Processing of connections in CoreXL |
Packet recording mechanism |
QoS policy rules matching |
Acceleration of QoS traffic |
Rule |
Failures in information gathering in the Real Time Monitoring module
Basic scheduling information |
TCP streaming (re-transmission detection) mechanism |
Currently is not used |
Reports of internal timer ticks
URL and URI for QoS classification |
Prints additional information (used with other debug flags) |