Monitoring Performance (asg perf)


Use the "asg perf" command in Gaia gClishClosed The name of the global command line shell in Check Point Gaia operating system for Security Appliances connected to Check Point Quantum Maestro Orchestrators. Commands you run in this shell apply to all Security Appliances in the Security Group. or the Expert mode to monitor continuously the key performance indicators and load statistics.

There are different commands for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic.

You can show the performance statistics for IPv4 traffic, IPv6 traffic, or for all traffic.

The command output automatically updates after a predefined interval (default is 10 seconds).

To stop the command and return to the command line, press the e key.


asg perf -h

asg perf [-b <SGM IDs>] [-vs <VS IDs>] [-k] [-v] [-vv] [-p] [{-4 | -6}] [-c]

asg perf [-b <SGM IDs>] [-vs <VS IDs>] [-k] [-e] [--delay <Seconds>]

asg perf [-b <SGM IDs>] [-vs <VS IDs>] [-v] [-vv [mem [{fwk | cpd | fwd | all_daemons}]]]

asg perf [-b <SGM IDs>] [-vs <VS IDs>] [-v] [-vv [cpu [{1m | 1h | 24h}]]]





Shows the built-in help.

-b <SGM IDs>

Applies to Security GroupClosed A logical group of Security Appliances that provides Active/Active cluster functionality. A Security Group can contain one or more Security Appliances. Security Groups work separately and independently from each other. To the production networks, a Security Group appears a single Security Gateway. Every Security Group contains: (A) Applicable Uplink ports, to which your production networks are connected; (B) Security Appliances (the Quantum Maestro Orchestrator determines the applicable Downlink ports automatically); (C) Applicable management port, to which the Check Point Management Server is connected. Members as specified by the <SGM IDs>.

<SGM IDs> can be:

  • No <SGM IDs> specified, or all

    Applies to all Security Group Members and all Maestro Sites

  • One Security Group Member (for example, 1_1)

  • A comma-separated list of Security Group Members (for example, 1_1,1_4)

  • A range of Security Group Members (for example, 1_1-1_4)

  • In Dual Site, one Maestro Site (chassis1, or chassis2)

  • In Dual Site, the Active Maestro Site (chassis_active)

-vs <VS IDs>

Applies to Virtual Systems as specified by the <VS IDs>.

<VS IDs> can be:

  • No <VS IDs> specified (default) - Applies to the context of the current Virtual System

  • One Virtual System

  • A comma-separated list of Virtual Systems (for example, 1,2,4,5)

  • A range of Virtual Systems (for example, 3-5)

  • all - Shows all Virtual Systems

This parameter is only applicable in a VSXClosed Virtual System Extension. Check Point virtual networking solution, hosted on a computer or cluster with virtual abstractions of Check Point Security Gateways and other network devices. These Virtual Devices provide the same functionality as their physical counterparts. environment.


Shows statistics for each Security Group Member.

Adds a performance summary for each Security Group Member.


Shows statistics for each Virtual System.

Note - This parameter is only relevant in a VSX environment.

mem [{fwk | cpd | fwd | all_daemons}]

Shows memory usage for each daemon.

Use this with the "-vv" parameter.

Valid values:

  • fwk (default)

  • fwd

  • cpd

  • all_daemons

cpu [{1m | 1h | 24h}]

Shows CPU usage for a specified period of time.

Use this with the "-vv" parameter.

Valid values:

  • 1m - The last 60 seconds (default)

  • 1h - The last hour

  • 24h - The last 24 hours


Shows detailed statistics and traffic distribution between these paths on the Active Site:

{-4 | -6}

  • -4 - Shows IPv4 information only.

  • -6 - Shows IPv6 information only.

If no value is specified, the combined performance information shows for both IPv4 and IPv6.


Shows percentages instead of absolute values.


Shows peak (maximum) system performance values.


Resets the peak values and deletes all peaks files and system history files.

--delay <Seconds>

Temporarily changes the update interval for the current "asg perf" session.

Enter a delay value in seconds.

The default delay is 10 seconds.


  • The "-b <SGM IDs>" and "-vs <VS IDs>" parameters must be at the beginning of the command syntax.

    If both parameters are used, "-b <SGM IDs>" must be first.

  • If your Security Group is not configured in VSX mode, the VSX-related commands are not available.

    They do not appear when you run the "asg perf -h" command.



Use the "asg perf" command in GaiaClosed Check Point security operating system that combines the strengths of both SecurePlatform and IPSO operating systems. gClish or the Expert mode to monitor continuously the key performance indicators and load statistics.

There are different commands for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic.

You can show the performance statistics for IPv4 traffic, IPv6 traffic, or for all traffic.

The command output automatically updates after a predefined interval (default is 10 seconds).

To stop the command and return to the command line, press the e key.


asg perf -h

asg perf [-b <SGM IDs>] [-vs <VS IDs>] [-k] [-v] [-vv] [-p] [{-4 | -6}] [-c]

asg perf [-b <SGM IDs>] [-vs <VS IDs>] [-k] [-e] [--delay <Seconds>]

asg perf [-b <SGM IDs>] [-vs <VS IDs>] [-v] [-vv [mem [{fwk | cpd | fwd | all_daemons}]]]

asg perf [-b <SGM IDs>] [-vs <VS IDs>] [-v] [-vv [cpu [{1m | 1h | 24h}]]]





Shows the built-in help.

-b <SGM IDs>

Applies to Security Group Members as specified by the <SGM IDs>.

<SGM IDs> can be:

  • No <SGM IDs> specified, or all

    Applies to all Security Group Members and all Maestro Sites

  • One Security Group Member (for example, 1_1)

  • A comma-separated list of Security Group Members (for example, 1_1,1_4)

  • A range of Security Group Members (for example, 1_1-1_4)

  • In Dual Site, one Maestro Site (chassis1, or chassis2)

  • In Dual Site, the Active Maestro Site (chassis_active)

-vs <VS IDs>

Applies to Virtual Systems as specified by the <VS IDs>.

<VS IDs> can be:

  • No <VS IDs> specified (default) - Applies to the context of the current Virtual System

  • One Virtual System

  • A comma-separated list of Virtual Systems (for example, 1,2,4,5)

  • A range of Virtual Systems (for example, 3-5)

  • all - Shows all Virtual Systems

This parameter is only applicable in a VSX environment.


Shows statistics for each Security Group Member.

Adds a performance summary for each Security Group Member.


Shows statistics for each Virtual System.

Note - This parameter is only relevant in a VSX environment.

mem [{fwk | cpd | fwd | all_daemons}]

Shows memory usage for each daemon.

Use this with the "-vv" parameter.

Valid values:

  • fwk (default)

  • fwd

  • cpd

  • all_daemons

cpu [{1m | 1h | 24h}]

Shows CPU usage for a specified period of time.

Use this with the "-vv" parameter.

Valid values:

  • 1m - The last 60 seconds (default)

  • 1h - The last hour

  • 24h - The last 24 hours


Shows detailed statistics and traffic distribution between these paths on the Active Site:

  • Acceleration path (SecureXL)

  • Medium path (PXL)

  • Slow path (Firewall)

{-4 | -6}

  • -4 - Shows IPv4 information only.

  • -6 - Shows IPv6 information only.

If no value is specified, the combined performance information shows for both IPv4 and IPv6.


Shows percentages instead of absolute values.


Shows peak (maximum) system performance values.


Resets the peak values and deletes all peaks files and system history files.

--delay <Seconds>

Temporarily changes the update interval for the current "asg perf" session.

Enter a delay value in seconds.

The default delay is 10 seconds.


  • The "-b <SGM IDs>" and "-vs <VS IDs>" parameters must be at the beginning of the command syntax.

    If both parameters are used, "-b <SGM IDs>" must be first.

  • If your Security Group is not configured in VSX mode, the VSX-related commands are not available.

    They do not appear when you run the "asg perf -h" command.
