pdp debug


pdp debug


      ccc {off | on}






      set <Topic Name> <Severity>

      spaces [<0 - 5>]


      unset <Topic Name>






Tests the async command line with the echo command for 30 seconds.

ccc {off | on}

Configures whether to write the CCC debug logs into the PDP log file - $FWDIR/log/pdpd.elg

  • on - Writes the CCC debug logs

  • off - Does not write the CCC debug logs


Shows the memory consumption by the pdpd daemon.


Disables the PDP debug.


Enables the PDP debug.

Important - After you run this command "pdp debug on", you must run the command "pdp debug set ..." to configure the required filter.


Resets the PDP debug options for Debug Topic and Severity.

Important - After you run this command "pdp debug reset", you must run the command "pdp debug off" to turn off the debug.


Rotates the PDP log files - increases the index of each log file:

  1. $FWDIR/log/pdpd.elg becomes $FWDIR/log/pdpd.elg.0

  2. $FWDIR/log/pdpd.elg.0 becomes $FWDIR/log/pdpd.elg.1

  3. And so on.

set <Topic Name> <Severity>

Filters which debug logs PDP writes to the log file based on the specified Debug Topics and Severity:

The available Debug Topics are:

The available Severities are:

  • all

  • critical

  • events

  • important

  • surprise

Best Practice - We recommend to enable all Topics and all Severities. Run:

pdp debug set all all

spaces [<0 - 5>]

Shows and configures the number of indentation spaces in the $FWDIR/log/pdpd.elg file.

You can specify the number of spaces:

  • 0 (this is the default)

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5


Shows the PDP current debug status.

unset <Topic Name>

Unsets the specified Debug Topic(s).

Important - When you enable the debug, it affects the performance of the pdpd daemon. Make sure to disable the debug after you complete your troubleshooting.