How to Search in this Book
In the search results list, the search words in the topic appear as highlighted.
Note - Not all search words might be highlighted in the search results.
In the search results list, click the applicable topic to open it.
This opens the topic and the search words in the topic appear as highlighted.
To remove this highlight, click the Remove Highlights button from the top toolbar.
Before you search a page (when you press the CTRL+F keys, or use the browser Find option), click the Expand all button from the top toolbar to expand all collapsed items.
This opens all collapsed (closed) elements on the page.
The search field in the book is not case-sensitive.
For example, a search for the word dog finds matches for dog and Dog.
When you separate search words with a blank space in the search field, the search always uses the boolean AND operator.
cat dog
To search for a phrase (specific words that must appear together) in the search field, enclose the search phrase in double quotation marks.
Such search also supports the leading or trailing whitespace characters.
"Dog Friendly"
In the search field, you can search for specific words that must appear in the same topic file.
Use one of these operators between all the search words:
The boolean AND operator
cat AND dog And mouse
cat And dog and mouse
cat and dog and mouse
The plus symbol (+)
cat + dog + mouse
The ampersand symbol (&)
cat & dog & mouse
Important - If an HTML skin appears in a language other than English, you must still write the boolean AND operator in English.
In the search field, you can search for topic files that contain any of the specific words.
Use one of these operators between all the search words:
The boolean OR operator
cat OR dog
cat Or dog
cat or dog or mouse
The pipe symbol (|)
cat | dog | mouse
Important - If an HTML skin appears in a language other than English, you must still write the boolean OR operator in English.
In the search field, you can search for topic files that contain the specific words and do not contain other specific words.
Use one of these operators to exclude the specific search words (the search excludes the word that appears after the operator):
The boolean NOT operator
cat NOT dog
cat Not dog
cat not dog
cat ! dog
The boolean XOR operator
cat ^ dog
Important - If an HTML skin appears in a language other than English, you must still write the boolean NOT operator in English.
To combine search words and search operators in the search field, use parentheses
( )
cat and (dog or mouse)
Important - If an HTML skin appears in a language other than English, you must still write the boolean operators AND and OR in English.
The search field supports partial word search when you enter between 3 and 10 characters.
The partial word search ignores the leading or trailing whitespace characters.
The search field does not support wildcards (
) or regular expressions. -
The search field ignores specific words.