What can I do here?
Use this window to configure or edit the properties of a custom application/ site used in Application and URL Filtering or Threat Prevention.
Getting Here - Object Explorer > New > Custom Application/Site > Application/Site > General page
What background information do I need to know?
In the Application and URL Filtering Database, each application is assigned to one primary category based on its most defining aspect. See the category in the description of each application and in the logs.
In the Application and URL Filtering Database, each application can have additional categories, which are characteristics of the application. For example, some of the additional categories of Gmail include: Supports File Transfer, Sends mail, and Instant Chat. If an additional category is in a rule, the rule matches all applications that are marked with it.
Note - In the AppWiki, additional categories are called tags.
When you use the AppWiki or add applications to the Rule Base, you can filter by additional category or risk level to see all applications with that characteristic. This is a good way to get ideas of types of applications that you might want to block or allow.
If new applications are added to an additional category that is in an Application Control or URL Filtering rule, the rule is updated automatically when the database is updated.
Tell me about the fields...
For example, if a news site has these links:
To allow access only to the https link, use this regular expression:
Note: The application or site URL defined by a regular expression must use the correct syntax.