add aaa - Authentication authorization and accoun ting
add allowed-client - Add allowe d client
add arp - Add ARP entries
add backup - Start a back up of the system
add backup-scheduled - Determine the type of scheduled- backup of the system
add bonding - C onf igure bonding interfaces
add bridging - C onfigure bridging interfaces
add cloning-group - C onfigure Gaia Cloning Group
add comm and - A dd extended command.
add cron - A dd new scheduling for a command
add dhcp - C onfigure or view DHCP set tings.
add group - S pecify group n ame
add host - S tatic host configuration
add instance - Routing Instance
add inte rface - D isplays the interface related pa rameters
add mcvr - C reate a VRRP Virtual Router
add neighbor-entry - Add or Delete a neighbor table entry
add netflow - NetFlow export of traffic inf ormation
add pppoe - Add PPPoE
add rba - Role-based administration configura tion
add snapshot - Take snapshot
add snmp - Si mple Network Management Protocol Inform ation
add syslog - System log configurat ion
add upgr ade - Upgrade of Check Poi nt O S and Products
add user - A user name
add virtual-system - Adds an instance to the system.
add vpn - vpn configuration