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Snapshot Management

A snapshot is a backup of the system settings and products. It includes:

A snapshot is very large. A snapshot includes the entire root partition and some of the /var/log partition and other important files. For this reason, snapshots cannot be scheduled the same way that Backups can. Backup and Restore is the preferred method of recovery.


Snapshot options:

Important - See sk98068: Gaia Limitations after Snapshot Recovery.

Best Practice for creating snapshots:

It is not recommended to use snapshots as a way of regularly backing up your system. System Backup is the preferred method. Schedule system backups on a regular basis, daily or weekly, to preserve the Gaia OS configuration and firewall database.

Snapshot Prerequisites

Before you create a snapshot image, make sure the Security Group or storage destination meets these prerequisites:

See sk98068: Gaia Limitations after Snapshot Recovery.

Working with Snapshot Management - Gaia gClish

You must run these commands in gClish.


Manage system images (snapshots).


Important - After you add, configure, or delete features, run the save config command to save the settings permanently.




snapshot <Name of Snapshot>

Configures the name of the snapshot image.

You must enter a string that does not contain spaces.

desc "<Description of Snapshot>"

Configures the description of the snapshot image.

You must enclose the text in double quotes, or enter the string that does not contain spaces.

export <Name of Snapshot>

Selects the snapshot image you export by the specified name.

You must enter a string that does not contain spaces.

import <Name of Snapshot>

Selects the snapshot image you import by the specified name.

You must enter a string that does not contain spaces.

path <Path>

Configures the path to the specified snapshot image file (for example: /var/log/).

name <Name of Exported Snapshot>

Configures the name, under which the exported snapshot image file is stored on the hard disk.

You must enter a string that does not contain spaces.

name <Name of Imported Snapshot>

Configures the name, under which the imported snapshot image is stored on Gaia.

You must enter a string that does not contain spaces.


> add snapshot snap1 desc "First image after installation"


> set snapshot export snap1 path /var/log/ name image_after_installation


Working with Snapshot Management for Specified SGMs (g_snapshot)


Use the g_snapshot command in the Expert mode to show and revert snapshots for specific SGMs or Chassis.

This command is different from the snapshot command, which works for all SGMs together.


# g_snapshot [-b <SGM_IDs>] show

# g_snapshot [-b <SGM_IDs>] revert <snapshot_name>





Shows saved snapshots for the specified SGMs or Chassis.


Restores specified SGMs or Chassis to the specified snapshot.


Snapshot file name.

-b <SGM_IDs>

Works with SGMs and/or Chassis as specified by <SGM_IDs>.

<SGM_IDs> can be:

  • No <SGM_IDs> specified, or all - Applies to all SGMs and Chassis
  • One SGM (for example, 1_1)
  • A comma-separated list of SGMs (for example, 1_1,1_4)
  • A range of SGMs (for example, 1_1-1_4)
  • One Chassis (chassis1, or chassis2)
  • The active Chassis (chassis_active)


Example 1 - Restore SGMs 1_1 and 1_4 to the snapshot called "My_Snapshot":

[Expert@MyChassis-ch01-01:0]# g_snapshot -b 1_1,1_4 revert My_Snapshot

Example 2 - Restores the Chassis2 to the snapshot called "My_Snapshot":

[Expert@MyChassis-ch01-01:0]# g_snapshot –b chassis2 revert My_Snapshot

Example 3 - Show the saved snapshots for all SGMs on the Chassis1:

[Expert@MyChassis-ch01-01:0]# g_snapshot -b chassis1 show

SMO Image Cloning


You can use image cloning as a tool for cloning SMO images by remote SGM. In addition to cloning the SMO version, it clones all installed hotfixes, if there are any.

We recommend that you use this tool when you add a new SGM to the setup, such as when you receive a replacement SGM.

When you activate the auto-clone feature, each SGM updates the local image's MD5 during reboot, Admin UP state or hotfix installation. If the local image's MD5 is different from the SMO image's MD5, then the local SGM clones the SMO image.

Working with image auto-clone in gClish:



> show smo image auto-clone state

Shows the current auto-clone state.

> set smo image auto-clone state {on | off}

Controls the auto-cloning state:

  • on - enabled
  • off - disabled

Note - Image cloning does not support snapshot (the included fcd).

Working with image's MD5 in gClish:



> show smo image md5sum

Shows image's MD5

> set smo image md5sum

Updates image's MD5

This is done automatically on reboot , admin UP and hotfix installation.