Unchanged RPM Packages

These RPMs are part of the Gaia distribution. A few changes were made to the original packages.

Check Point removed the manual files (man pages) and the language localization files:

  • acpid

  • audit

  • basesystem

  • beecrypt

  • bridge-utils

  • busybox

  • bzip2

  • cpio

  • device-mapper

  • device-mapper-multipath

  • dhclient

  • dhcp

  • diffutils

  • dmidecode

  • dnsmasq

  • dos2unix

  • dump

  • ethtool

  • expat

  • File

  • Findutils

  • Gawk

  • gnome-libs

  • grep

  • gzip

  • hdparm

  • hping

  • iproute

  • iputils

  • kbd

  • less

  • libacl

  • libattr

  • libcap

  • libelf-utils

  • libgcc

  • libnl

  • libpcap

  • libselinux

  • libsepol

  • libstdc++

  • libsysfs

  • libtermcap

  • Libuser

  • libxml

  • libxslt

  • lsof

  • lvm2

  • mcstrans

  • microcode_ctl

  • mktemp

  • mount (comes with the util-linux RPM)

  • msmtp

  • mtools

  • mt-st

  • nash

  • netcat

  • ntp

  • OpenIPMI

  • openlldp

  • open-vm-tools

  • os_syslinux

  • os_udevtool

  • os_webTerminal

  • parted

  • passwd

  • pciutils

  • pcre

  • popt

  • ppp

  • procps

  • psmisc

  • rarpd

  • readahead

  • readline

  • rootfiles

  • samba-client

  • sed

  • sqlite

  • squashfs-tools

  • sudo

  • sysfsutils

  • sysstat

  • SysVinit

  • tar

  • tcp_wrappers

  • tcsh

  • termcap

  • traceroute

  • tzdata

  • udev

  • vconfig

  • which