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vsx mstat


Shows and configures Memory Resource Control.

Output shows these global memory resources:


vsx mstat help

vsx mstat

[-vs <VSID>] [unit <Unit>] [sort {<Number> | all}]





swap <Minutes>





Shows the built-in usage.

No Parameters

Shows the total memory consumption for each Virtual System.

-vs <VSID>

Specifies the Virtual Systems by their IDs.

You can specify:

  • One Virtual System.

    Example: -vs <VSID1>

  • Many individual Virtual Systems (separate their IDs with spaces).

    Example: -vs <VSID1> <VSID2>

  • A range of Virtual Systems.

    Example: -vs <VSID4-VSID6>

Note - You can combine these options (separate them with spaces).

unit <Unit>

Specifies the memory measurement unit shown in the command output:

  • B - bytes
  • K - kilobytes
  • M - megabytes (default)
  • G - gigabytes

sort {<Number> | all}

Sorts the Virtual Systems in the output by their memory size.

Specifies the number of Virtual Systems shown in the command output.

Use all to show all Virtual Systems.

If you do not specify this flag, the Virtual Systems in the output are sorted by their VSID.


Shows memory consumption debug information for each Virtual System by fields, which are defined in the configuration file.


Disables the Memory Resource Control.

Note - The change applies immediately and does not require a reboot.


Enables the Memory Resource Control.

Note - The change requires a reboot.


Shows the current Memory Resource Control status.

swap <Minutes>

Specifies the swap-in sample rate in minutes.

Enter the number of minutes that the system measures memory swaps to determine the swap-in rate. Only integers are valid values.

The default swap-in sample rate is 10.


  • Swap-in sample rate is a system-wide Linux setting. When you change the value for memory monitoring, all the swap-in rates are calculated according to the new value.
  • When you enable the monitoring memory resources feature, the swap-in rate setting is saved. When you disable the feature, the system restores the saved setting.

Return Values

Example 1

[Expert@MyVsxGW:0]# vsx mstat unit M sort all


VSX Memory Status


Memory Total: 7753.95 MB

Memory Free: 7168.71 MB

Swap Total: 3992.71 MB

Swap Free: 3992.71 MB

Swap-in rate: 8796093022208.00 MB


VSID | Memory Consumption


0 | 260.79 MB

1 | 0.00 MB



Example 2

[Expert@MyVsxGW:0]# vsx mstat -vs 0 unit G


VSX Memory Status


Memory Total: 7.572 GB

Memory Free: 7.001 GB

Swap Total: 3.899 GB

Swap Free: 3.899 GB

Swap-in rate: 8589934592.000 GB


VSID | Memory Consumption


0 | 0.255 GB



Example 3

[Expert@MyVsxGW:0]# vsx mstat debug


VSX Memory Status


Memory Total: 7940048.00 KB

Memory Free: 7339864.00 KB

Swap Total: 4088532.00 KB

Swap Free: 4088532.00 KB

Swap-in rate: 9007199254740992.00 KB


VSID | Private_Clean | Private_Dirty | DispatcherGConn | DispatcherHTab | SecureXL | DispatcherGConn6 | DispatcherHTab6 | SecureXL6


0 | 34456.00 KB | 182104.00 KB | 6.09 KB | 0.00 KB | 51071.91 KB | 0.00 KB | 0.00 KB | 0.00 KB

1 | 0.00 KB | 0.00 KB | 0.00 KB | 0.00 KB | 0.00 KB | 0.00 KB | 0.00 KB | 0.00 KB


Note: To add a field to memory table please uncomment the required field (delete the leading '#')

To remove a field from memory table please comment out the required field (add a leading '#')

Configuration is done in the file /opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/conf/memoryinfo.conf

