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The mdsquerydb is an advanced database query tool that lets administrators use shell scripts to get information from Check Point Security Management Server databases.

Use the mdsquerydb to get information from the Multi-Domain Server, Domain Management Server and global databases.

The system comes with pre-defined queries, defined in the $MDSDIR/confqueries.conf configuration file. Do not change or delete these queries.


mdsquerydb <key_name> [-f <output_file_name>]





Query key, which must be defined in the pre-defined queries configuration file.

-f <output_file_name>

Send the query results to the specified file name. If this parameter is not specified, the data is sent to the standard output.

Pre-Defined Query Keys

Keys for Multi-Domain environment:


GlobalNetworkObjects Get name and type of all global network objects

NetworkObjects Get all Domains' internal Check Point installed network objects

Domains Get names of all Domains Irit B comment from QA Draft

Administrators Get names of all Administrators

MDSs Get names and IPs of all MDSs

DomainManagementServers Get names of all Domain Servers

GuiClients Get names and IPs of all gui clients

CMAs Backwards Compatibility (DomainManagementServers)

Customers Backwards Compatibility (Domains)

Keys for Domain environment:


NetworkObjects Get name and type of all network objects

Gateways Get names and IPs of all gateways

Example 1 - Retrieve list of all defined keys

# mdsquerydb

Example 2 - Send a list of Domains in the Multi-Domain Server database to the standard output

# mdsenv

# mdsquerydb Domains

Example 3 - Send a list of network objects in the global database to the /tmp/gateways.txt file

# mdsenv

# mdsquerydb NetworkObjects –f /tmp/gateways.txt

Example 4 - Get a list of gateway objects in the Domain Management Server "DServer1"

# mdsenv DServer1

# mdsquerydb Gateways -f /tmp/gateways.txt