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Changes a Mobile Access Gateway local configuration file $CVPNDIR/conf/cvpnd.C.

The cvpnd_settings commands allow to get attribute values or set them in order to configure the cvpnd process.

Important - Changes made by with the cvpnd_settings command are not saved during the Mobile Access Gateway upgrade. Keep a backup of your $CVPNDIR/conf/cvpnd.C file after you make manual changes.

General Syntax

cvpnd_settings [<Configuration File>] {get | set | add | listAdd | listRemove | internal} <Attribute-Name> [<Attribute-Value>]

Note - The cvpnd process may not start, if you make a mistake in the attribute names or their values.

Syntax for DynamicID Resend

cvpnd_settings [<Configuration File>] {set | get} smsMaxResendRetries [<Number>]

Syntax for Kerberos Authentication

cvpnd_settings [<Configuration File>] {set | get} useKerberos {true | false}

cvpnd_settings [<Configuration File>] {listAdd | listRemove} kerberosRealms [<Your AD Name>]


Run this command to see the full explanation of the parameters: cvpnd_settings -h



<Configuration File>

Specifies the path and the name of configuration file to change.


Gets the value of an existing attribute, or values of a list.


Sets the value of an attribute.

If the specified attribute does not exist in the configuration file, then the command adds it.


Adds a new attribute.

If the specified attribute already exists in the configuration file, then the command does not change it.


Adds the specified attribute to a list.


Removes the specified attribute from a list.


Specifies that the command must change the $CVPNDIR/conf/cvpnd_internal_settings.C file instead of the $CVPNDIR/conf/cvpnd.C file.


Specifies the attribute name.


Specifies the attribute value.


Specifies the number of SMS resend attempts.

<Your AD Name>

Specifies the Active Directory name.

Examples 1 - Set the value of the attribute 'myFlag' to 1

cvpnd_settings set myFlag 1

Examples 2 - See the current value of the attribute 'myFlag'

cvpnd_settings get myFlag

Examples 3 - Empty the value of the attribute 'myFlag', or create a new attribute/list 'myFlag'

cvpnd_settings set myFlag

Examples 4 - Add the attribute 'myFlag' with the value '' to a list

cvpnd_settings listAdd myFlag