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Tests connectivity to websites and Exchange server services.

Syntax for web sites

admin_wizard wizard <Web Site Address>

Syntax for Exchange servers

admin_wizard exchange_wizard <Exchange Server Address> <User Name> <Password> [<Options>]


Parameter and Options


<Web Site Address>

Specifies the address of the web site

<Exchange Server Address>

Specifies the address of the Exchange Server

<User Name>

Specifies the user name on the Exchange Server


Specifies the password on the Exchange Server


See the table below


Note - To enter more than one item, separate them with a comma. For example: as,ow

Parameter and Options


-t {as | ews | owa | all}

Select the services to test on the Exchange server:

  • as - Tests ActiveSync
  • ews -Tests Exchange Web Services
  • owa - Searches for the Outlook Web Application (OWA) address of the Exchange server
  • all - Tests all of the above services (default)

-d <DNS Servers>

Specifies the DNS servers.

-x <Proxy Servers>

Specifies the Proxy servers.

-c <Username>:<Password>

Specifies the user name and password for Proxy server authentication.


Allows only NTLM authentication instead of Basic and NTLM.

-m <Domain Name>

Specifies the user domain name.

-s <ActiveSync Path>

Tests a specified ActiveSync service path.

Default: /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync

-e <EWS Path>

Tests a specified Exchange Web Services service path.

Default: /EWS/Exchange.asmx

-f <File Name>

Writes the results to the specified file


Sends a request with the configured: Proxy, DNS, HTTP protocol, and authentication method.

  • If you also specify the -n option, then the NTLM authentication method is used.
  • If you do not specify the -n option, then only the Basic authentication method is used.


Makes the HTTP requests verbose.

The verbose result files are saved in:



Validates the SSL certificate of the web server.