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Catalog of Views and Reports

In the Logs & Monitor view, click the (+) tab to open a catalog of all views and reports, predefined and customized. Click a view or report to open it. You can create a new view or report, or export them to PDF. To see other actions, open the Actions menu.




Open Log View - See and search through the logs from all Log Servers. In SmartConsole only, you can also search the logs from a specific Log Server.

Open Audit Logs View - See and search records of actions done by SmartConsole administrators.

These views come from the Log Servers. All other Views/Reports (except the Compliance View) come from the SmartEvent Server.


Views - The list of predefined and customized views. A view is an interactive dashboard made up of widgets. The view tells administrators and other stakeholders about security and network events. Each widget is the output of a query. Widgets can show the information as a chart, table, or some other format. To find out more about the events, double-click a widget to drill down to a more specific view or raw log files.

Compliance View - Optimize your security settings and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.


Reports - The list of predefined and customized reports. A report consists of multiple views. There are several predefined reports, and you can create new reports. A report gives more details because it consists of multiple views. Reports can be customized, filtered, generated and scheduled. You cannot drill down into a report.


Favorites - Use this view to collect the views and reports you use the most.

Recent - Shows the most recently opened report or view.


Switch to Table View or Thumbnails View - The Table view is the default for Views and Reports. The Thumbnails view is the default for the Favorites , Recent, and Logs.


Scheduled Tasks - See and edit scheduled tasks.


Archive - Download the exported views and reports.


Catalog (New Tab) - Open a Catalog (new tab) and select Log View, Audit View, Views, or Reports. In the Logs & Monitor view, click the (+) tab to open a catalog of all views and reports, predefined and customized. To open a view, double-click the view or select the desired view and click Open from the action bar.