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Disabling Log Indexing

To save disk storage space, a Log Server can be configured to work in non-index mode. If you disable log indexing, queries will take longer.

When log indexing is disabled, you must connect with SmartConsole to each Log Server separately to query its logs. When you connect to the management server you do not get a unified view of all logs, as in index mode. On each Log Server, the search is done on one log file at a time.

To disable Log Indexing:

  1. Open SmartConsole.
  2. From the Gateways & Servers view, double-click the Security Management Server or Log Server object.
  3. From the navigation tree, click Logs.
  4. Clear the Enable Log Indexing option.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Publish.
  7. From Menu, select Install Database.

To select a log file to search:

  1. Open Logs & Monitor > Logs view.
  2. Click the Options menu button to the right of the search bar.
  3. Select File > Open Log File.